QUESTIONS for an experienced myfitnesspal winner

Hey! I need some help!

1. I usually exercise in the evening, so if I have to eat my exercise calories I feel stuffed before bed and it is awful?! Tips?! I don't want to under-eat because then I won't be able to maintain the diet...that's what I used to do and it always resulted in massive yo-yo-ing..
PLUS if I eat late, then I never want to weigh-in in the morning...

2. I never really realised how terrible drinking is for your diet! AND when I drink I lose all my eating inhibitions and stuff myself...what do other people do to avoid this? I can't not drink anti-social among my friends!

3. Who sets the nutritional goals in myfitnesspal... I seem to blow my carb budget every day by heaps...why is it so low? or do I just have a naturally really sugar high diet

4. What are people's perspectives on diet coke...


I'm 3 weeks in and really getting in to the swing of this! It's so nice to finally give up and just let the maths do it for me!! I never realised how much I under ate and then massively over ate! (eg. whole jar of honey with a teaspoon, weekly...let alone full-fat tesco peanut butter)


  • MrsRadder
    MrsRadder Posts: 207 Member
    #1 Eating back your exercise cals... you opened a big bag of worms :) Some do some don't. Personally I don't.
    #2 I agree with you on the drinking. I stick to one drink I am liking the Budwiser 55.
    #3 I have changed mine to fit my body's needs. 40% Carbs, 40% Protein, 20% Fat.

    Good Luck! Sounds like you are on the right path
  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    1. if you know how much you're going to exercise, estimate the number of calories you're going to burn (if you've been burning 300 calories a day for the past week, its probably a good guess that you'll burn as many today) and eat that throughout the day. this way, you're not stuck with a bunch of calories at night.

    2. the only thing that i've found to help with this is willpower. i always would have the worst drunk eating habits. so i essentially just forced myself to stop. i also don't get so drunk that i don't have the mindset to be able to do this though.

    3. you can reset if you feel like you want more carbs in your diet. i'm a fruit fanatic so i'm always consuming a lot of carbs. just make sure that your carbs come from healthy sources and you should be fine (whole grains, brown rice, fruits and veggies, etc.)

    4. stop if you can, limit if you cant. make sure you stay extra hydrated. the caffeine will make you lose water. also, make sure the artificial sugar doesn't induce sugar cravings.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    1. I usually exercise at night and I eat some-to-most of my exercise calories BEFORE I burn them. In other words, I make sure I eat extra food during the day and, if I'm over my calories before I work out, I am more motivated to get my booty moving. I eat three nutritious, well-balanced meals and at least two healthy snacks each day.

    2. Drink 2 glasses of water for every one alcoholic beverage, and avoid the super-sugary mixed drinks (I rarely drink anything at all, but that's a good tip anyway).

    3. The national standard is 55%carbs, 20% protein, 25% fat, which is what MFP uses as their default. You CAN change that (under Custom Goals) but I personally am not a fan of "low carb" diets. I eat roughly 50% carbs, 25% fat, 25% protein and have shed 95+ pounds and gained a lot of muscle and am quite fit now, so that works for me, but your own body may have different needs (ask your doctor if you aren't sure what your ratio should be, or just experiment). Make sure your carbs come from fresh fruits and veggies and whole grains instead of processed, sugary, refined junk.

    4. I rarely drink soda. Diet soda doesn't have calories, but it does have sodium and the carbonation is bad for your teeth, and the caffeine doesn't hydrate you... basically, I would say it's best not to have every day. Stick to water mostly and maybe have a coke as an occasional treat if you "must" have it.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    1. If you know you're going to be exercising later on, you can eat your calories in advance. Nuts, a glass of milk or fruit juice will all help you get some cals in easily.

    2. I still drink - I kept it as the ace up my sleeve in case I didn't lose weight. But I do so in moderation, and have healthy snacks around to nibble on (carrot sticks etc)

    3. You can go to custom settings and change your macro-nutrients (though I'm surprised you found the carbs high - I reduced the carbs, upped the protein, and ignored the sugar)

    4. Step away from the diet coke!

    Good luck on your journey :smile:
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    1. Once you get into a routine you'll have a good idea how many calories you will burn for a particular exercise so you can eat back some of your calories before you do the workout.

    2. Don't drink, seriously, no one but you decides what you put in your body and if you're friends are going to stop hanging out with you because you're having a diet soda or a water at the bar then they really aren't your friends, tell them to grow up. Only have ONE drink, or make it a light beer etc.

    3. Protein is set low, Carbs set high. So being UNDER your carbs is what you want to shoot for, and being OVER on protein is important, you can change them individually for yourself as well. I do 40% carbs, 30% fat, 30% protein.

    4. I didn't completely give up diet soda I just cut back to only once or twice a week to have one. There are people who do not drink diet soda at all, and there is science to back up the reasons it's bad for you. It will likely be the next thing I completely cut out, but I've been working my booty off for a year next month.

    Basically you have to decide what's most important to you, I'd rather eat more dinner than have a beer. I'd rather work out thank skip dessert once a week ;) So it's all about balancing your life.
  • anathelia5
    I try to do my exercising before dinner, but I have that ability because my schedule permits it, not everyone's does.

    As far as the drinking thing goes...I have had the same problem. When I'm hanging out with my friends and they're all drinking, I typically just try to nurse one drink as long as I can and stick to water or something afterwards.

    I don't find the calorie numbers to be too awful, but I've always been an under-eater who only had one big (and rather unhealthy) meal every my struggle has actually been with maintaining the lowest number of calories I need to be eating every day.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    If you know how much you'll be exercising, eat extra during the day to balance out your calorie intake. There's no rule that says you have to eat your exercise calories after you exercise, eat them before! I plan out every day the night before to help me balance everything, it's easier than trying to wing it during the day.

    Can't help you out with drinking other than don't do it. I never drink, so I don't have that problem.

    The default carb goal is actually set pretty high, 55% of your calories. I have mine set to 40% and I rarely reach it. You must have a really high carb diet. Drinking may contribute to that problem.

    I don't see a problem with Diet Coke if it's once in a while, I would not drink it every day. Some of the chemicals in it are possibly carcinogenic in larger amounts.

    I would also say there's nothing wrong with full fat peanut butter. The fat in peanuts is good for you. When peanut butter (or anything) is reduced fat, they make up for it with sodium!
  • waster196
    waster196 Posts: 138 Member
    #1 Personally I don't eat my exercise calories (not religiously anyway, but most days I dip into them). If you want to, perhaps you could eat around half throughout the day (you should have at least a rough idea of what you're likely to burn on a workout) that way you won't be left with a huge deficit after your evening workout, and you might also find this gives you more encouragement to actually do the workout you have planned and not flake out!

    #2 I drink once in a while. Everyone has their vices and sometimes you just have to have that "off day". Enjoy it, but not too often!

    #3 I can't comment too much on this one, only to say I try to stick with what MFP sets for me. I don't try too hard on carbs and find I never really go over on it. Maybe you should take a look at your food choices and try to lower the amount of carbs you're eating.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want some shared encouragement :)
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    1. eat my exercise calories I feel stuffed before bed ??

    Know how many you will burn during the exercise and plan to eat a little more during the day to offset this. It is uncomfortable to eat them all back at once in the evening.

    2. drinking!

    I don't drink. At all? I have maybe 1 cocktail/beer every 6 weeks. It is so rare that I consume alcohol. I can't imagine a life where alcohol is prominent, and have no advice in this area.

    3. carb budget?

    You can set your own, or talk to a doctor/nutritionist to see what would work best for you!

    4. What are people's perspectives on diet coke...

    I steer clear of as many chemicals as I can. Diet drinks of any type are full of saccharine, aspartame, nutrisweet... all that zero calorie sweetener stuff is a big NO in my world.
  • hcam8
    hcam8 Posts: 69
    GREAT! thanks...

    1. OK, so eat before. But what if your schedule gets hectic and you don't make it to the gym that day? then you've just over-eaten?

    2. Wow, I can really see how few dieters drink. I know...I'm not a big drinker because it takes 3 days off your training when you're up for a half-marathon/rowing season etc..and I usually drink vodka soda lime! It's just that I'm scared of binge eating when I do. I used to eat about 600 calories each day for the weeks and then god I don't even know how many on the weekends

    3. Correction...I don't blow my carb budget, rather the 'sugars' budget...maybe because of the fruit? Seriously tho guys, 30% fat diet? ewwww

    4. Ok, so diet coke definitely gives me a caffeine high and then a MASSIVE LOW, so I crave sugar/energy hit and over-eat. So I think I should usually avoid it...
    A lot of you have mentioned dehydration tho... is all caffeine bad? Should I avoid coffee too? I had my first coffee EVER about a 10 months ago. It affects my sleep...awful stuff, but great way to avoid snacking?!!

  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member

    3. Correction...I don't blow my carb budget, rather the 'sugars' budget...maybe because of the fruit? Seriously tho guys, 30% fat diet? ewwww

    I am doing 50% fat :3
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    GREAT! thanks..

    3. Correction...I don't blow my carb budget, rather the 'sugars' budget...maybe because of the fruit? Seriously tho guys, 30% fat diet? ewwww

    Just because it's "fat" doesn't mean it will make you fat. Fat is essential. The outer layer of every cell in your body is made of lipids aka fat. Foods like nuts and fish are full of healthy fats like omega-3s.

    I also tend to ignore the sugar, especially because I know it's mostly from natural sources. I suggest ignoring the sugar from fruits unless you are diabetic or your doctor says otherwise.
  • bmpal
    bmpal Posts: 36
    1. Lately I'm only able to work out every other day so I generally spread out the exercise calories over those two days. I always eat some of them back but I don't always eat all of them back. You'll find a lot of different opinions about whether to eat your exercise calories back. You'll have to experiment to figure out what works best for you.

    2. I do not cut out alcohol. But I am conscious of how it affects me. When I was in my early twenties and trying to lose weight (the first time, haha!) I would save up calories for my weekend nights for alcohol and also prepare for my munchies by bringing guilt free snacks in my purse like carrot sticks or pretzels or a couple of low calorie cookies. These would remind me not to eat that "burrito as big as your head" at the end of the night! Whatever was in my purse would always be better for me than what I'd find on the street.
    I also decided before I went out how many drinks I was going to have and would alternate each drink with a club soda or water with lemon/lime. This would keep me hydrated and not go overboard. I think the key to alcohol is planning ahead if you know it can get out of control.

    3. Different people feel satiated on different nutrient breakdowns. I personally feel better on a lower fat diet than what mfp calculates for me. Figure out what works for you and change it accordingly.

    4. If you can, break yourself of the diet soda habit. If not, allow yourself a treat with it. I don't see a big problem with caffeine as long as you are getting enough water. Caffeine can actually be good for you before a workout or strength training session. I personally drink 2-4 glasses of iced tea a day but I also drink a lot of water. I too have to be careful with the coffee because it causes me to have highs and lows. If you feel crashing and burning from the caffeine, you may want to cut back, but otherwise just make sure you get enough water.

    Good luck!