
Hey everyone. I'm curious what everyone's tricks are for avoiding a binge when feeling anxious? The anxiety I experience is felt during ovulation and then that time of the month so obviously hormonal. Normally I end up eating more comfort foods and higher calorie foods to calm the anxiety which means i'll gain or maintain my weight for two weeks a month. I'd really like to learn some coping skills that aren't food based so I can lose all month rather than just the times when I'm feeling well.

Today is a say I'm feeling particularly unsettled and just want to binge on junk food (chocolate and chips) and lay in bed watching movies).


  • kschwab0203
    kschwab0203 Posts: 610 Member
    I have suffered with anxiety and panic attacks since my early twenties. I find that moving around helps. A lot of times, I will distract myself with house work...clean the dishes, straighten the living room, fold laundry. Something that keeps my hands busy, but is kind of mindless work.

    I've had a tendency to binge eat, but it's never been anxiety induced. Mine usually stems from either under eating, depression and self loathing.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I've got low level anxiety, myself. What I've been doing is checking the calories on what I want to eat before I eat it. Then I think to myself, "a custard donut is 240 calories. That's a significant chunk, but I am allowed 1630 calories today, more if I exercise. So, how much will it take for me to be satisfied? Not how much CAN I eat, but how much will it take for me to not feel deprived, settle down, and be able to say, "I had a treat and it was GOOD"?" Then I write it down. Then I take the portion. And I don't feel guilty about it and, wonderfully, I don't have the negative self-talk about how I just blew it all and I may as well keep going because my diet is ruined, ruined, ruined, etc.

    Oh, and exercise can also help your mood, so if you're planning to burn off some more calories so you can have more of an indulgence, it'll help on two levels.

    Just remember: A treat is not necessarily a cheat.

  • patmoomur
    patmoomur Posts: 31 Member
    I have begun suffering with anxiety for the first time in my life that I recognize it as such. I see that I may have eaten in the past to calm it. I have been following TOPS program for one year and lost almost 50 lbs. The anxiety began around mid-year along with a serious depression. All throughout I kept going to my meetings and struggled through it. I couldn't look at food and lost quickly at the beginning of the episode. All I can say is identify why you want to eat, then find something that works to calm you within your allowable limits and you can only win. If I am low on carbs for that day I choose pretzels say, or if I have fruit open, I'll have a small apple. I find the crunchy things like a carrot or apples can really help satisfy my anxious urge. Good luck!
  • jnananamaste
    jnananamaste Posts: 72 Member
    I'm not sure if this appeals to you, but I have a very similar problem OP, and I have found a mix of therapy and low dose anti-anxiety meds to be life altering. I agreed to the treatment because of post partum depression and the commitment to overcoming that so I could be the best mom I'm capable of being...and realized I should've been on this treatment plan for ME, probably for years. I still struggle with the hormonal spikes in anxiety but mostly it's manageable now and I'm slowly getting to a place where I feel like I am in control of the situation. I hope you find what works for you. It's a terrible feeling and a terrible cycle to be trapped in. Maybe a chat with your OBGYN could help you figure out options. Good luck!!!