What's the big deal about 1,200?

1,200 calories of course. I know it's the bare minimum you should eat, but most people preach it's unhealthy. I never really knew that until just recently. Maybe because I struggle to even consume 1,200 a day? Anyways, my question for you is do you think it's healthy? Why or why not? :)


  • LisaMoxon155
    LisaMoxon155 Posts: 264 Member
    My mfp is set at 1390 per day. Over the last 3 weeks, this being my 4th, ive noticed im eating less and less andd my actually daily in take is about 1100, however this is when im at work due to set breaks etc but come saturday nigjt and sunday i have allowed my self a choc bar so when comes to an average daily it works out at 1260 (well that was last week). I feel fine . I feel better and enjoy my food alot more.
    This of course is not for everyone.
    I however i make sure i eat at least 1100 a day just so my body doesnt go in to starvation mode.
  • mfpmishka
    mfpmishka Posts: 36 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Depends on size and activity level. Can be great for some, way too small for others. I'm 5'3 and 125, so if sedentary it's about right for me. But since I'm not sedentary (training for a marathon) would be a stupid amount of calories that undercut my training goals and leads to unnecessary muscle loss.

  • msweeks83
    msweeks83 Posts: 4 Member
    So I put in my information when I started MFP again after a few years because I have gained a lot, it said I need to consume 2700 calories a day (33yrs - 5'9" - 310.8) that was on the 1st of Jan. I have been eating a lot better than I was, one cheat meal a week, but have been averaging about 1100 calories. I mean even doing a slim fast diet only gets you to 1200 calories if your following it 100%.

    But my question is this. Can you eat healthy low calorie foods all day and be well nutrified without having to hit such a high calorie number? By the way Im down 23 pounds as of this morning, and I rarely feel hungry during the day. I do a bit at night right before i go to sleep but i use water to combat that.

    Any advice would be great, as Im losing some weight but I want to do it safely and make sure Im not going to damage my body in the long run
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    I am 5'1'' and a few years ago I went from 198 to 130 lbs eating 1400. I was pretty miserable eating that little and losing about 3 lbs per week because I was very active. (I've since learned a lot and know better, but at the time I thought since I was eating "more than 1200" I was ok.)
    For me 1200 would be way too little and put me in a huge deficit, and it would be very hard for me to stick with mentally.
    For other people 1200 may be what they need to create a deficit, there's nothing wrong with that.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    I'm tall and 1200 calories would make me miserable as well as have a negative health effect for me.
  • I think it depends on WHAT you eat that makes it unhealthy. If that 1,200 consists of nutrient dense food it won't be bad for you.
  • annacole94
    annacole94 Posts: 997 Member
    Refugees in camps are reduced to 1600 calories when supplies are scarce. Eating too little doesn't do your metabolism any favours - you set yourself up to need to eat that little forever to maintain. It is difficult to get sufficient nutrition on 1,200 calories every day.

    I *net* around my target daily (1350), but eat around 1500-1700 most days, and am losing a pound a week. That's perfect for me. I do use Google Fit to adjust my activity - it counts my steps and even on a day where I don't do that much (just walking around to and from my desk job, plus maybe a 20-30 min errand at lunch) it bumps it up 200 calories.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    that number just came from the fact that most people have a difficult time getting proper nutrients with less calories. It can be done, but you have to be very careful what you eat.

    The other reason is that unless you are very small framed, most people would lose weight too quickly on less than 1200 calories. Losing weight quickly has its pros and cons, but I think most people can agree that the slower the better unless you are at risk due to being overweight.

    Personally, if you can fit your nutrients into 1200 or less, and don't lose too quickly, then there is nothing wrong with it - especially for a short term like 3-6 weeks or so. Just make sure you are getting your nutrition goals correct.
  • cambridgestylist
    cambridgestylist Posts: 37 Member
    About 10 years ago, long before I found MFP, I did a strict 1200 calorie diet for about a year. I'm not short or petite in any way, and I'll admit it was very hard at times. I just thought 1200 was the number anyone would eat on a diet. I basically lived on Lean Cuisene, frozen vegetables, hard boiled eggs and peanut butter and jelly on diet bread.

    I'm sure if someone is creative or a good cook they can work it out so that they are eating a better variety. There isn't anything wrong with the foods I was eating, I have Lean Cuisine for lunch now. The problem is that it's all I was eating. I lost weight very quickly but it was in the long term unsustainable for me.

    I had no idea about eating back exercise calories back then, and I was working out very hard. I like the MFP way much better. Right now I have a goal of 1340 calories a day and I eat all of my exercise calories back. It definitely feels healthier and I'm losing weight steadily. I'm all about MFP!
  • msweeks83
    msweeks83 Posts: 4 Member
    ogtmama wrote: »
    msweeks83 wrote: »
    So I put in my information when I started MFP again after a few years because I have gained a lot, it said I need to consume 2700 calories a day (33yrs - 5'9" - 310.8) that was on the 1st of Jan. I have been eating a lot better than I was, one cheat meal a week, but have been averaging about 1100 calories. I mean even doing a slim fast diet only gets you to 1200 calories if your following it 100%.

    But my question is this. Can you eat healthy low calorie foods all day and be well nutrified without having to hit such a high calorie number? By the way Im down 23 pounds as of this morning, and I rarely feel hungry during the day. I do a bit at night right before i go to sleep but i use water to combat that.

    Any advice would be great, as Im losing some weight but I want to do it safely and make sure Im not going to damage my body in the long run

    Whoa! 23 pounds in as many days?!? Yikes! Slow down my friend, you're going to burn out. If you are male the minimum is actually 1500

    eta: and That's just over half of what YOUR body needs. I hope you reconsider. There are a lot of complications that go with this kind of weight loss.

    Im not really in a rush to lose weight, Im not really trying to "diet" either. I am trying to institue a life style change that will be a permanent part of my life. "Eat to live not live to eat" I think the only reason im losing quickly right now is because I was eating so badly for a long time. I confess that sometimes I would order two meals through a drive thru because I was that hungry. I would drink soda and sweet tea constantly and snack on unhealthy things like ice cream bars, chocolate bars, even having a huge bowl of ice cream before bed.

    But now all i drink is water (except for the occasional cheat meal), and choose high protein-low sugar foods, as well as measuring out snacks and even the sandwiches I eat to get the exact calorie counts. I snack on almonds, bananas, apples, boiled eggs etc. I have even tried some of those meal replacement slim fast shakes. I track my weight every day, same time every day (and I know your not really suppose to because weight fluctuates constantly. And I have noticed if I hit over 1500 calories I gain back. thats the only reason im floating at 1200 daily.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    For the whole "nutrient" thing, can't you just pop a multi-vitamin? I mean one of those Penn and Teller dudes lost a bunch of weight really fast by going to like a 500-calorie-a-day diet.
  • msweeks83
    msweeks83 Posts: 4 Member
    For the whole "nutrient" thing, can't you just pop a multi-vitamin? I mean one of those Penn and Teller dudes lost a bunch of weight really fast by going to like a 500-calorie-a-day diet.

    I take the Men's Vitacraves Gummies. Delicious and full of vitamin A & C
  • Annaxlisex
    Annaxlisex Posts: 27 Member
    I'm 5"7 and I'm eating the recommended 1260 for my height to loose 2lbs pw and I'm not even eating the whole 1260 most days I'm just not hungry and it's working a treat I am loosing the 2 pound weekly!! I think personally if you feel genuinely hungry and not just craving food then you should increase your intake but if not it's fine because your still getting plenty of nutrients and because I am counting my Cal's I actually find I am eating a lot more good nutrients than when I was eating more food which is probably why I feel satisfied all the time and don't feel the need to eat any crap
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Depends on size and activity level. Can be great for some, way too small for others. I'm 5'3 and 125, so if sedentary it's about right for me. But since I'm not sedentary (training for a marathon) would be a stupid amount of calories that undercut my training goals and leads to unnecessary muscle loss.

    And age. My sedentary BMR is getting closer to that magic number.