Self Destruct

This is more of a rant than anything else.
I seem to be having an exceptionally hard time staying on the wagon lately. I have a couple of good days then I fall off, get rolled over by the wagon and dragged behind it. The only upside is, the next day I'm firmly back on. I stayed on the wagon a really really long time and all of a sudden in he last couple of months I seem to fall of the wagon all the time.
I don't keep crap in my house but will eat just about anything. (overindulging) I know its a mental barrier, one thats been there for ages but I can't seem to will myself past it. There are issues in my personal life which are making things hard as well. School finishes this week and I have six weeks of no work ahead of me. It will either be the best thing or the worst thing to happen to my life change.
Rant over. I just feel better acknowledging and putting it out there to the universe.


  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Steph- just keep getting back on the wagon! You can do it. I know you can.
  • You can get over this Steph. you are amazing just look at how far you have come how hard those first 40 pounds were. if you can do that you can do anything. you are recognizing that you are not making good choices which is a big plus!!