Looking for friends

Jenncoc86 Posts: 203 Member
I'm relatively new, I have about 44 lbs to lose and would like some friends for motivation. I am not dieting I am trying to change my life style. If anyone would like I would love some motivation.


  • Brittic34
    Brittic34 Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome. I like the attitude. It is definitely a lifestyle change. This is a great place to start! Looking forward to sharing the journey with you.
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Well you are in the right place. I wish you a successful journey.
    S.W 350
    C.W 220
    G.W 150
    Highest weight 369
  • ohskinnyme
    ohskinnyme Posts: 24
    Hi! That really is a great attitude. Anyone will tell you that diets just don't work in the long term. I'd love to share the journey with you, and anyone else who is looking for motivation and support :)
  • sunshinesonata
    sunshinesonata Posts: 241 Member
    I'm relatively new, I have about 44 lbs to lose and would like some friends for motivation. I am not dieting I am trying to change my life style. If anyone would like I would love some motivation.

    As am I! My name is Kellie-Anne, and I'm looking forward to helping you anyway that I can. =]
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    Glad to have you here! There is a lot of motivation and support here. Feel free to add me.