
I have been reading online how much is a normal amount to drink and I am getting pretty nervous because most sites say around 2 liters a day.
If I drink anything less than a gallon and a half I am completely parched.
Im hoping I don't have any medical issues, does anyone have experience with this?
I polish off 2 liters in literally 5 minutes and then after I am thirsty again.


  • ajwcyclist2016
    ajwcyclist2016 Posts: 161 Member
    Doesn't sound correct. What colour is your urine. Does sound a lot to drink in 5 mins and still be thirsty. Have you always being like this. If not I'd get it checked
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    If you're drinking that much that quickly, that might be a problem. Are you on any medications?

    I think seeing your doctor would be a good idea, just to rule out a problem. Some people are just thirsty, but excessive thirst can be a sign of medical problems.

  • demorelli
    demorelli Posts: 508 Member
    You should consider talking to your doctor about getting tested for diabetes. If your body can't process sugar properly then it needs extra water to flush it from your system. Overly excessive thirst is a fairly common symptom. But also keep in mind that even if you are diagnosed, the fact that you're on mfp means you're working toward better health which can ultimately reduce the effects of diabetes and in some cases reverse it.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I actually came to say what demorelli said.... I would go to your doctor because this is a common sign of diabetes.
  • demorelli
    demorelli Posts: 508 Member
    Most current guidelines for fluid intake recommends around 1 oz of water for 2 pounds of body weight
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    heelie1996 wrote: »
    im under 140 pounds 5'7 and I drink WAY MORE than 70 ounces
    this is why I am worried. I drink double.

    Then see your doctor.