I'm introducing myself, here to lose 25 pounds

jlynndance0120 Posts: 6 Member
edited January 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone, my name is jessica, I'm a paramedic in South Carolina, and was just recently married about a year and a half ago. Since college and being married, the pounds on the scale have gone up and up. At 5'4 tall, I reached 155 pounds which is the highest I've ever seen on the scale. I felt uncomfortable looking at pictures of myself. Considered overweight, I decided I would not let myslef go over the deep in, knowing that going too far down that path, it would be much harder to jump back. So with that being said I have a goal of being 125-130 pounds, I want to be fit and strong! So this is my fitness journey. I've lost 5 pounds in 24 days. I'm counting my macros everyday and have a flexible diet plan. I've already posted a few simple recipes with the macros listed on intsagram. No before and after picture yet. Im not ready to put that out there quite yet. Follow me on intsagram so we can help motivate eachother! My start date was Jan. 5th 2017. Lets do this!

"Each day moving forward, is progress"

Instagram: jlynndance0120, JessicaLynn
