So addicted to sugar!

Hello! This is not my first time on MFP. I used to be really into fitness and nutrition and an avid runner about 2 years ago. I grew up, lost time, lost willpower. I haven't gained much weight over the 2 years but my fitness level needs some work and I would really like to be healthier. Plus, I am getting married in November! So I have some new motivation to get back at it. Sugar is my biggest Issue and would appreciate any help or advice on how to tackle those cravings. Also, I love beer and a part of my soul has been crushed while trying to give it up. My snack yesterday was a beer. I am a failure lmao.


  • jacobhillman
    jacobhillman Posts: 39 Member
    Congrats on getting married! And welcome to the club.
  • TrevorRitter71113
    Beer is a snack!
  • Txfiestagirl
    Txfiestagirl Posts: 8 Member
    I'm addicted to sugar, but I don't want to give up on the things I love. I am a cookie monster! I cannot imagine my life without cookies. My goal is to cut back on the sugar. For example, 2 sugar cookies (I won't eat the raw dough) as opposed to 6 cooked chocolate chip cookies and cookie dough. Geez, no wonder I gain weight. I am currently at 202.5. My goal weight is 185.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself. You can have foods you love - including beer and sweets - and still lose weight and improve your fitness.
  • MrHillman22
    MrHillman22 Posts: 401 Member
    I'm addicted to sugar too, as soon as the lid comes off that Ben & jerry's tub I'm not moving til it's gone, maybe throw in a few cookies too
  • tamera_g
    tamera_g Posts: 128 Member
    I also know how you feel. Cookies are my favorite too. Restraint doesn't work, neither does substitution. Ugh so frustrating.
  • MrHillman22
    MrHillman22 Posts: 401 Member
    tamera_g wrote: »
    I also know how you feel. Cookies are my favorite too. Restraint doesn't work, neither does substitution. Ugh so frustrating.

    I substitute them with more ice cream haha
  • Kailanismommy2016
    Just chew gum it has sugar yes, but it will keep your mind active away from like candy and stuff and if not that just get hard jolly ranchers and spit the spit and flavor into a bottle as if dipping except no tobacco lol it's what I use to do when I was a track and weightlifting athlete to lose weight oh and water pills
  • Bradywho1
    Bradywho1 Posts: 22 Member
    Just reading this made me want a snickers
  • Vincentdom77
    Vincentdom77 Posts: 13 Member
    You should be able to raise a glass and say cheers after having a good week of working out and proper diet :-)
  • isaforsberg7
    isaforsberg7 Posts: 5 Member
    You could try to eat a plant based diet for a week and usually the first three days are hard and may have headache from withdrawal from artificial sugar but the fifth day you feel amazing and don't crave the sugar for a while, after that up to you to find a balance that works for you! Everything in moderation and maybe substitute refined sugar for like coconut sugar or other options
  • Mlbenjamin24
    Mlbenjamin24 Posts: 2 Member
    Same here!
  • Sedu1906
    Sedu1906 Posts: 145 Member
    When I cut sugar from my diet, as I'm doing now, I get moody and find it hard to concentrate. Of course this is all in my mind just like the talking donuts and dancing cookies, but it all seems so real.
  • olyamhc
    olyamhc Posts: 60 Member
    You're not a failure! Having self-defeating THOUGHTS is why sugar addiction is hard. I'm in the same boat, so I get it! Smoothies can provide natural fruit sugar without crashes, try almond milk (or any milk, although almond I've found has the least calories if unsweetened - a Stop and Shop brand got 40cal/cup) with one banana and a handful of berries. It's a process...also check with yourself when you usually consume sweets, is it when you're in a bad mood? Is it your partner or family who buy you a lot of them? Is it only at a specific time of a day? Good luck to us!!! :)
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I'd like to tell you how to cut out sugar but I went over on sugar today and stayed under on calories. Tomorrow I'll see what happens. I'm working through some holiday fruitcakes and a subsequent stash of Girl Scout cookies so my sugar macro is being unusually high this month. This morning my weight was the lowest it had been in the year of this journey, down 89.2 lb. (That's me saying that it's ok to be a little high in sugar as long as your calories are good)
  • EricaCraigie
    EricaCraigie Posts: 1,396 Member
    Somehow I never get close to sugar.. never a problem for me. I don't eat much sweek aside from fruit or yogurt.