Yay, I am not alone!

lanichang Posts: 6
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
Back in February I was suffering from a bad case of the flu and finally caved in to see my doctor. The last thing on my mind was my weight. After all, I had a fever, I was coughing, my throat was red and sore, and I was blowing my nose every five minutes. So, I was not prepared when the nurse said to me, "let's check your weight." I got on the scale and it dawned on me that I was the heaviest I had ever been. As I sat in the examination room waiting for the doctor, I kept thinking about a time 7 years ago when I had lost 60 pounds and told myself that I would never go back up that scale ever again. My weight had slowly crept up on me the last few years. I have since lost 30 pounds by modifying my diet (protein shakes are my best friend) and adding exercise back into my daily routine. It has been a struggle but I am determined to keep shedding off the weight.

I am so glad my sister suggested this site to me. We live thousands of miles away from each other and miss all the sisterly things we would be doing if we lived in the same state. MFP will definitely make us feel like we are right there for each other. It is also wonderful to see that there are so many of us who share the same goals. I definitely need the support because there are times when I feel like throwing in the towel. In return, I hope I will be able to provide motivation, support, and encouragement to whomever may need it.

I have a whole new outlook now that I see all of you here too!


  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    You can and will succeed on this journey. It doesn't matter where you been it is where you are going.
    S.W 350
    C.W 220
    G.W 150
    Highest weight 369
  • Hey,
    Yes! you are not alone. My weight too has crept up on me 20 pounds more! It was horibble to step on the scale and see that nmber, but if everyone's motivated we all can do it!
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