


  • rdouma73
    rdouma73 Posts: 2,064 Member
    Wow thank you all for the input. For those that asked. I've been eating oats with breakfast, throughout the rest of the day it's bananas, apples, white potatoes, rice, green beans, etc. I guess it's going to eliminate certain carbs one by one and try to pinpoint the culprit.
  • alexjvolk
    alexjvolk Posts: 22 Member
    rdouma73 wrote: »
    Trying to bulk for another few weeks. Does anyone else have trouble eating carbs? They are making me feel like crap and I feel so much better on a low carb diet. I know I need more carbs to grow, but am tired of feeling like crap from eating them. Any suggestions would be helpful. Bulking on high protein high fat diet??

    I haven't read thru all the responses cause I don't have time, but if you struggle with carbs and the infuriating "carb coma" try to eat well balanced meals to lower your insulin response as well as try stay away from simple carbohydrates unless your body is inefficient at storing carbs and you are a super skinny dude in spite of eating tons. Remember that 1 gram of carbohydrate does not equal a different gram of carbohydrate. I would start by sticking to natural fibrous carbohydrates that have no refined sugars, and tweaking from there.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    I have trouble with carbs. I get what I call "carb pain"....literally it feels like my body is bruised if I eat carbs in excess. Sucks. One night with no self control on the tortilla chips and I'm hurting the next day.

    You don't need to eat a crap ton of carbs on a bulk.
  • EricaCraigie
    EricaCraigie Posts: 1,396 Member
    No trouble but don't enjoy them much other than potatoes and oats
  • jwknight67
    jwknight67 Posts: 34 Member
    Im also carving up for mass. I feel very full all the time, but I do feel fine by using low glycemic complex carbs. My carbs of choice are: Brown Rice, Sweet Potatoes, Oats, and at times Russet Potatoes. I stay away from breads and pasta
  • rdouma73
    rdouma73 Posts: 2,064 Member
    Thank you all so much for the input. Kinda frustrating. I'm stuck around 215lbs and my winter goal was 225lbs and carbs are fighting me the entire way. I'll try strictly complex carbs as much as I can and hope for the best.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Carbs are awesome for gaining weight but I find it interesting how different carbs/certain kinds of carbs effect different people per these post.

    As a side note when studying the carb/cataracts relationship tonight I ran across the below research.

    Our results indicate that higher dietary carbohydrate quantity and GI may be associated with the risk of cortical and nuclear cataract, respectively. The results should be interpreted cautiously and more studies are warranted to clarify this issue.
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    I rarely reach the carb target set by mfp. It's only a guideline. Personally I find a lot of carbs too filling,make me bloated and then I don't eat enough. I tend to fill up on fat and protein instead and it seems to work for me.
    I guess it's only a problem if it leaves you with not enough energy to exercise /workout.
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    Ps you mention eating potatoes and white rice - personally I find too much of either of those can be as bloaty as things like bread.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Carbs are awesome for gaining weight but I find it interesting how different carbs/certain kinds of carbs effect different people per these post.

    As a side note when studying the carb/cataracts relationship tonight I ran across the below research.

    Our results indicate that higher dietary carbohydrate quantity and GI may be associated with the risk of cortical and nuclear cataract, respectively. The results should be interpreted cautiously and more studies are warranted to clarify this issue.

    It's not just varied carb types that cause varying effects, in my experience. For example, I can eat similar weights and macro breakdowns of say, ground beef, chicken wings, and beef ribs:

    Ground beef: feel comfortably full for quite some time, with no issues.

    Beef ribs: I find it nigh impossible to get full on them. I've eaten 1600 kcals worth in a single sitting, and still could have kept slamming them.

    Chicken wings: a bit of a middle ground between the two above, but with some funky gut discomfort if I overdo it before the "you're full" kicks in.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    rdouma73 wrote: »
    Wow thank you all for the input. For those that asked. I've been eating oats with breakfast, throughout the rest of the day it's bananas, apples, white potatoes, rice, green beans, etc. I guess it's going to eliminate certain carbs one by one and try to pinpoint the culprit.

    I really like oats (porridge to me!) for breakfast, but i am starting to think they bloat me, so i might have to give them a miss... so i agree with finding what works, without getting rid of all carbs in general.
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    rdouma73 wrote: »
    Wow thank you all for the input. For those that asked. I've been eating oats with breakfast, throughout the rest of the day it's bananas, apples, white potatoes, rice, green beans, etc. I guess it's going to eliminate certain carbs one by one and try to pinpoint the culprit.

    I really like oats (porridge to me!) for breakfast, but i am starting to think they bloat me, so i might have to give them a miss... so i agree with finding what works, without getting rid of all carbs in general.

    I love them, and used to eat them a lot but began to notice problems. I eliminated and brought them back in and the trend was obvious. I still indulge occasionally but I am wary.

    My daughter loves oat milk and I make her pancakes using that stuff - I get the same issues but 10 times worse as with porridge/oats unfortunately :(
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Nothing profound but the links below indicates other have questions about carb reactions too.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    nomorepuke wrote: »
    Yes you definitely need carbs, but what's important is where you're getting your carbs from. Starches like bread, sugar, some fruits, rice or flour should be avoided at all cost.
    Vegetables that grow above the ground will give you healthy carbs that you need. Avocado, spinach, Greek yogurt, kiwi fruits and cucumbers are my favorite. They're super nutritious and give me carbs I need.

    so we are avoiding fruits now, really????????????
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    rdouma73 wrote: »
    Thank you all so much for the input. Kinda frustrating. I'm stuck around 215lbs and my winter goal was 225lbs and carbs are fighting me the entire way. I'll try strictly complex carbs as much as I can and hope for the best.

    then add in more protein and fats instead of carbs..

    or, as you indicated earlier, identify the ones that are giving you problems and go from there.
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    I eat fairly low carb, and they're all from vegetables and some fruit. Anything above 120g makes me feel crummy the next day. Upping the fat and protein helps a lot with getting the calories in and reducing your carb intake. Meats like lamb, salmon, and poultry thighs (bone in and with skin) are some good options.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    rdouma73 wrote: »
    Wow thank you all for the input. For those that asked. I've been eating oats with breakfast, throughout the rest of the day it's bananas, apples, white potatoes, rice, green beans, etc. I guess it's going to eliminate certain carbs one by one and try to pinpoint the culprit.

    If you're not accustomed to eating a higher fiber diet (which you would be eating with a lot of complex carbohydrates), that could be part of the issue.
  • rdouma73
    rdouma73 Posts: 2,064 Member
    I want to thank everyone once again for the information. I've got a few different things to try and hopefully I get this figured out in the next few weeks. If not I'll be cutting soon anyway so carbs will be at a minimum. ;)
  • JBAG13
    JBAG13 Posts: 4 Member
    Age: 21; 212 lbs body weight; probably around 15%-17% body fat.
    Cutting on 160 Pro; 220 Carb, 75 Fat.

    Body weight loss has been minimal thus far, only up to about 4 pounds over the last month.
    Any thoughts or suggestions? I feel good and my lifts are going well, but I feel as if these numbers are extremely low for a person my age and body size.
  • nomorepuke
    nomorepuke Posts: 320 Member
    edited January 2017
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    nomorepuke wrote: »
    Yes you definitely need carbs, but what's important is where you're getting your carbs from. Starches like bread, sugar, some fruits, rice or flour should be avoided at all cost.
    Vegetables that grow above the ground will give you healthy carbs that you need. Avocado, spinach, Greek yogurt, kiwi fruits and cucumbers are my favorite. They're super nutritious and give me carbs I need.

    so we are avoiding fruits now, really????????????

    I said "some" fruits.