Emotional Eating

I have really blown it today. I am an emotional eater. When I'm happy I will eat mostly healthy food but tend to toss in something rich and creamy along the way. When I'm angry eat bad foods... today I was angry with someone. His is a very sad story, and I try to remember that when he starts acting out, but last night I realized he is purposely trying to upset me. I was fuming. Anyway I ate biscuits with sausage patties and gravy for breakfast. I ate more biscuits for lunch with steak fingers and then I started feeling ill. I started thinking about how I was only hurting myself. My eating this stuff was not hurting him at all other than I was not offering him any. When friends come to me upset over some wrong someone has done to them, my advice is always don't let anyone or anything have that kind of power over you. So I decided to take my own advice. I am not going to allow him that kind of power over me and I am not going to allow food to have any power over me either. I am in charge! So today I blew it, but tomorrow the sun is going to rise and with it comes a fresh new start for me... taking it one day at a time. :smile:


  • Li_Willi
    Li_Willi Posts: 96 Member
    That's right. Tomorrow is a new day & a new beginning! :wink:
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    Good for you.
  • Rbarragato
    Rbarragato Posts: 15
    What a great outlook :). For me, it's so hard at the end of the day to say the same thing, but I'm learning. After I binge, my mindset is "Oh, I messed up, why bother continuing." But you definitely have it right! Keep it up :). Try looking for something that maybe seems fattening but really isn't. Never let anyone deter you from your goals!!
  • LDowning02
    LDowning02 Posts: 8 Member
    I think the negative eating choices was in the air.
    Here too a rough day.
    And here too...low wilpower to maintain a positive strong eating style.
    I relied on a dear friend and My Fitness Pal community for support.
    Kudos to you for taking charge of things yourself!
    You have the inner strength to make a difference!
  • meghanspuppy
    Good for you! I'm an emotional/stress/boredom binger, and have been losing the battle almost every night lately. It's very upsetting and makes me feel terrible. I'm trying hard to beat this eating disorder, but as you know, it's a super hard fight. I really like what you wrote about not letting food have this power over you anymore. I'm working hard to take those words to heart and make tonight the first night in a long time I don't binge. Good luck to both of us!!
  • bearsfan68
    bearsfan68 Posts: 85 Member
    I am an emotional eater as well so I understand. You have to move forward, this isn't going to be the last time you fall off the wagon. The important thing is that you get back up and move on. Plus it always makes me feel better if I get in a little exercise when I fall off. Good luck to you!
  • Lolyballs
    Lolyballs Posts: 180 Member
    Thank you to everyone here. This is why I love MFP. Everyone pulls together to help get over the rough spots. One friend suggested that I find something to keep me busy... anything, rather it be reading, walking, working a puzzle. I have so many craft projects started that next time I feel like I want to eat the house, I'm going to grab one and get it done! Taking up a hobby is a great way to get your mind off food. We will get through this together!
  • Casey9968
    Casey9968 Posts: 17
    I love reading the posts and blogs that people write. It helps to motivate me. It great to have a hobby to take your mind off your feelings so you don't trip and fall off the "wagon". It also helps me to read these posts and know that I am not alone. When I talk to other people and sit and read stories it makes it easier for me to avoid eating when i shouldn't. Thank you to in MFP!