Eating enough

So I was kind of skeptical about eating my entire calorie allowance because I feel like I'm eating a lot its actually difficult for me to eat all my allowance but today I had 700 calories remaining before training I wasn't hungry so I thought I'd use them up afterwards, not a good idea I almost fainted! Has this happened anyone else?


  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    Calories are fuel. If we don't have enough, we putter out, yes.

  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited January 2017
    You actually don't have to eat 100% back but it's a good idea to eat back 50%, some need to eat more just depends on the person.

    100% back makes me a bit nervous since we don't know 'exact' burns since HRM's, machines, fit bits etc. are not 100% accurate nor is nutrition on food packaging. I say just do the best you can, stay fueled but if you have to break up the food into mini-meals that's fine, it's what I do. Maybe a snack of raw almonds and an apple. Or a baby bel cheese and some grapes.. ya know, that sort of thing. :smiley:@Annaxlisex

    Good Luck!
  • DaveDR7
    DaveDR7 Posts: 49 Member
    Been doing Insanity, because I'm an insane old git, that needs to get fit, I'm adapting the programme to fit me though as I learn new things. The first was not to let me go too far over my max theoretical heart rate or it takes way too long to recover and you'll feel a failure, so programmes are taking me on average 5-15minutes longer to complete.
    Learnt about BMR (basal Metabolic Rate) 3 days ago and now feeling not so drained once I complete my exercising and this week my weight loss just went mental and I've got to try and reign it in back to 2lb a week, rather than the 6lb on my 2nd week of Insanity.
    If your body says you need something don't deny it, especially if you're under your allowance, I might be having cheese & bacon sarnies tomorrow!! ;-)
  • Annaxlisex
    Annaxlisex Posts: 27 Member
    edited January 2017
    Thanks all considering even having a protein shake before every training session my brother is a PT and he suggested it so IL you all know how that works