Getting frustrated....

doit_4life Posts: 55
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
So, my boyfriend and I decided that we needed to join mfp to help us with our weight loss journey... Like so many times before we were super excited for the first week and then the "newness" died down. It's in my phone to log my food everyday, we exercise almost every day (lately with the heat and humidity we haven't been biking as much) we try to pay attention to what we eat, but the weight didn't come off like I thought it would.

I recently purchased Zumba so there's no excuse for not biking cuz it's too hot, we can do things inside. There are times i feel like I focus too much on trying to do the right things to lose the weight that I just overwhelm myself and get disappointed. At the begnining of the year my boyfriend and I looked at eachother and promised ourselves that we would be 50 pounds lighter by his high school reunion...well, his reunion is this weekend and I've lost 4 pounds. I don't understand exersizing, eating under my calories and not losing the weight...

I hope that getting this off my chest will help:grumble:


  • doit_4life
    doit_4life Posts: 55
    oops, take it back 8 pounds
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    I can feel your frustration. I started an intense workout in March and by May, I had lost 7lbs and stopped losing. Have you been to a specialist for metabolic testing? I decided to go and they discovered that my body burns sugar before it burns fat in my first and second cardio zones (normallly, it's 100% fat burn in zone 1 and about 50% in zone 2...mine was already 52% in zone 1). It turns out I needed to workout with less intensity and do lower impact workouts. So far, it's been 3 weeks since the change and I do feel a difference. I haven't lost weight yet, but I feel my body toning differently and my jeans are now too big.

    You may look at other areas to get examined. In all, I've had my thyroid check, my allergies were causing breathing problems, and then the burning sugar before fat situation. They did a more advanced metabolic evaluation and myfitnesspal was PRETTY close in its estimates, but I needed to eat 200 calories more. The test I took was $250 and well worth it. I would start with a doctor to check for some basics and then work from there. Unfortunately, like my situation, it's all trial and error...there no crystal clear sign above your head that says "this is the problem." Instead, it's ruling out what is NOT the cause one step at a time. Best of luck to you!
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    50lbs? When did you start? that's a big goal and even at 2lbs a week you'd need 25 weeks (6 months!) to lose that.

    It's taken me almost a year to drop 68lbs.

    So don't sell yourself short, 8lbs is something to be proud of. It's a start. This is a long long journey.

    Be sure you are eating enough (minimum NET calories need to be 1200) which means you might need to eat back exercise calories too. WHAT you're eating matters too of course. You're body need FUEL, good healthy fuel to run well. Would you put diesel in your gas car? What about your sports car? It need premium, so do you :D So being TOO far under your calories is counter productive for your body to fuel itself properly and run properly.

    Making small changes adds up. I started just with diet and then added in exercise after about 3/4 weeks when I got the food part under control.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    If you're eating UNDER your calories and exercising, you are NOT eating enough. You need to eat AT LEAST 1200 calories NET. That means.... if you eat 1200 calories, go ride your bike for two hours and burn say, 400 calories, your net for the day is 800 calories and you need to eat 400 more. If you undereat, you won't lose weight. Your body could be storing fat because it thinks it's starving.
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    How far under your calorie goal are you eating? You should be eating close to your calorie goal every day including eating back most of your exercise calories. If you eat too few calories it will hinder weight loss.

    The opposite could also be the problem. Are you weighing and measuring your food? Most people, including myself, are not very good at estimating portions. If you are not weighing and measuring you may be getting more calories than you think.
  • doit_4life
    doit_4life Posts: 55
    That's the next thing I need to do...measure my food. I don't, and I have no excuse cuz I own measuring cups and a food scale.

    When I exercise, I'm usually WAY under my calorie goal. I don't want to eat what I just burned and gain weight. When I don't exercise I'm still usually under my calorie goal, but still eating at least 1200 calories. I work in an office so at work I stand up and move around as much as I can, but I don't snack, cuz I don't burn a lot at work. On a normal day i eat about 200 calories under my goal.
  • Rdhdez
    Rdhdez Posts: 3
    I just read your post and I just wanted to share a little bit of my story with you. I am only 33 years old and due to dieting, getting frustrated, dieting, getting frustrated then not doing things wrong I developed a series of health issues. at a whopping 326 I had blood pressure issues and have 4th stage renal failure. One day I decided i was going to take it all one step at a time. I set my goat and follow it strictly i exercise 90 minutes a day. I walk 4 miles then I do a biggest loser last chance workout dvd. At first I lost 10 lbs the first week then it all just started slowing down. there were weeks I would lose only 1/2 pound but 1/2 a pound less is a step forward. keep pushing, keep going, dont be hard on yourself. Work hard and just keep going even if its 1/4 a pound a week you are moving forward. Dont let anything discourage you. I have developed my own little system of little goals. I lost 10% of my body weight then once i lost that 10% my new goal is 10% of that weight and so on. It just seems easier to focus on a smaller number rather than focusing on the fact that I was almost 200 lbs over weight. I am currently at 232 and I am already off my blood pressure meds. I feel better and I just take it one day at at time. I wish you the best of luck keep going on!!
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Eating back your exercise calories does not make you gain weight (assuming you track them properly). It FUELS your body to heal the microtears you create working out. Your body needs it to build itself up.

    Definitely start measuring your food out, it's VERY easy to over estimate just a little bit on everything.

    Make mini goals and set dates (you can see I've had a lot of them, and some I had to remove lol). because it helped me focus on the small things and not this HUGE number I had to lose.
  • doit_4life
    doit_4life Posts: 55
    I just read your post and I just wanted to share a little bit of my story with you. I am only 33 years old and due to dieting, getting frustrated, dieting, getting frustrated then not doing things wrong I developed a series of health issues. at a whopping 326 I had blood pressure issues and have 4th stage renal failure. One day I decided i was going to take it all one step at a time. I set my goat and follow it strictly i exercise 90 minutes a day. I walk 4 miles then I do a biggest loser last chance workout dvd. At first I lost 10 lbs the first week then it all just started slowing down. there were weeks I would lose only 1/2 pound but 1/2 a pound less is a step forward. keep pushing, keep going, dont be hard on yourself. Work hard and just keep going even if its 1/4 a pound a week you are moving forward. Dont let anything discourage you. I have developed my own little system of little goals. I lost 10% of my body weight then once i lost that 10% my new goal is 10% of that weight and so on. It just seems easier to focus on a smaller number rather than focusing on the fact that I was almost 200 lbs over weight. I am currently at 232 and I am already off my blood pressure meds. I feel better and I just take it one day at at time. I wish you the best of luck keep going on!!

    Thank you so much! This is definately a post I can relate to! When I started I was 310 pounds. I have been struggeling to break the 300 pound mark.

    I am a full time student, just started a new part-time job, and taking care of that , the house, family, and life in general. I am trying to find a balance. After I posted last night my boyfriend and I had a long talk about our health and exercise. You're right.... a 1/4 of a pound, is a 1/4 of a pound more than I lost before then!

    Melizerd, thank you for your is easy to over estimate. We have to start measuring food. We concentrate on the small goals....8 pounds in a month isn't that bad...and it's still something. I think one of our issues is, we focus on how much we have to lose and not the little goals like both you have suggested....

    Mini Goal #1 Work out in this heat....
  • It is easy to get caught up in the idea that you too cacn lose 100lbs in 3 months like they show on TV's Exteme makeover (weight loss challenge) or if you watch that exercise infomercial. The thing is YOU are not them. And if they did it great for them but you have to do what works for you. Who knows if all they had to do for 3 months was to work out, who knows if they had a few more abilities then you do. You can't judge yourself on what you see on tv.
    Work as hard as you can but not too hard. I actually have over worked myself and went above my HR range before I got a HR monitor. and I was dying, tired, and wondered what the heck was wrong. Well I needed to take that intesity down. I never understood that but one I take it down I actually get a better work out and can feel that workout instead of just feeling tired and exhausted.
    So, I agree with all the above advice. Dont set too high of a goal. I been at this since March and lost about 10lbs, but I have gained tone, definition, shape, lost inches, lost body fat (about 4% maybe more), most importantly I have gained confidence and self esteem. Its all worth it. (BTW I am doing strength training/weights). So if you ever do strength training this will happen becasue you are building muscle.
    Have a wonderful day and NEVER EVER give up! You are doing this to get fit not to be skinny.
  • Rdhdez
    Rdhdez Posts: 3
    I am so glad i could be of help. I know how hard it is, but I also know that, although it takes time, it can be done. After reading your post last night I decided to create my own blog. See, you inspired me!! My blog is on the right hand of that page there is a link that says fitness center Ruth Deliz's Journey. Yup, that's me. I know you are wondering what elcrossovershow stands for, but actually is a radio show that my husband and I do every afternoon on a radio station. One of the major accomplishments in my life after I started losing weight. Anyways, everyday on that blog I will share how my day has been. I wanna be a part of your journey. Let's help each other out. We can do it!! We will do it!! Keep in touch. Have an awesome journey!! I know we will.
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    I don't want to eat what I just burned and gain weight. When I don't exercise I'm still usually under my calorie goal, but still eating at least 1200 calories. I work in an office so at work I stand up and move around as much as I can, but I don't snack, cuz I don't burn a lot at work. On a normal day i eat about 200 calories under my goal.

    It has been posted again and again the importance of eating enough calories or you will slow or stop your weight lose. Eating too few calories is just as detrimental to weight lose as eating too many. Here is a thread where the poster had hit a Plataea and started losing weight again after they INCREASED their calorie intake.

    This is only one example but it has been well documented many times.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Start with a small goal on something that you can control -- like measuring your food, drinking more water, eating more vegetables, or something. Once you start small, then add in the other items -- pretty soon you'll be eating much healthier and exercising. One small step leads to another, then another, and it will get easier.

    Try not to be perfect -- you CAN lose weight and not be 100% perfect. Trying to be perfect is too overwhelming!
  • doit_4life
    doit_4life Posts: 55
    I am so glad i could be of help. I know how hard it is, but I also know that, although it takes time, it can be done. After reading your post last night I decided to create my own blog. See, you inspired me!! My blog is on the right hand of that page there is a link that says fitness center Ruth Deliz's Journey. Yup, that's me. I know you are wondering what elcrossovershow stands for, but actually is a radio show that my husband and I do every afternoon on a radio station. One of the major accomplishments in my life after I started losing weight. Anyways, everyday on that blog I will share how my day has been. I wanna be a part of your journey. Let's help each other out. We can do it!! We will do it!! Keep in touch. Have an awesome journey!! I know we will.

    Thank you so much. I finally had some time to re-log into the computer. Your journey is very emotional and spiritual...I pray everynight and pray that God will help me be strong the next day. We are going to Noah's Ark (a water park) next weekend and I don't want to go because of how i look in a bathing suit. Last night was my boyfriend's 15 year class reunion. I got some new clothes for it and was extremely bumbed out by the size of my clothes...I'm hoping that he proposes sometime soon and I'm determined to buckle down and eat healthier, work out hard core and lose weight...I just don't want to set myself up to fail...I look forward to keeping in touch with you!
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