I am SOO hungry all the time.

I am 5'4'' and weigh 230lbs, female.

I eat 1500-1600 calories everyday; have been taking 10,000 steps almost daily for the last 2 weeks. The thing is, I feel so hungry all the time. I do eat fruits and veggies as much as I can. I also have a thing with sugar addiction; I quit for about 15 days,and Incorporated it back 10 days ago, and I am still struggling with cravings of sugar, especially after meals.

Please advise.


  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    How big is your daily deficit at your current calorie intake?
  • mou_254
    mou_254 Posts: 153 Member
    So, my maintenance is about 2150 cals, and estimating 100 cals burnt for every 2k steps, that would put me in a deficit of about 1000 cals. (If I take 10k steps everyday, but my weekly average is 60k I think).
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I do eat fruits and veggies as much as I can.

    Are you also eating meat, fish, eggs, dairy, (whole) grains and other starches, beans, nuts and seeds, butter and oils?
  • reneec257
    reneec257 Posts: 39 Member
    If you don't eat enough carbs, you will always be hungry. I know so many people on low carb diets, but then they binge eat. Try to eat healthy sweets like dates or peaches in a cup, even if you feel you are overeating healthy sweets it is better than a cupcake or candy bar. Try eating popcorn, it takes a while to eat a small bag. And don't forget to drink water. Also try eating gum after you eat, sometimes that will help when you feel like eating more even though you are full.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I'm also 5'4" and your weight is just shy of my starting weight, but I'm older. I'm eating 1200 calories.

    These are things that worked for me...

    Carb/protein/fat with every meal
    Drink water I try for 48oz
    Get 7-8 hrs of sleep at night (less increases hunger hormone which in turn makes you hungrier)

    I don't normally eat my exercise calories back but I don't walk that much. You may want to eat 50-75% of your calories back.

    Hope this helps!

  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited January 2017
    That can't be your maintenance. That's less than my maintenance at sedentary and I am 158 pounds and you are moderately active. You're not eating enough.

    I'd eat more but also look at your macros. I'd bet dollars to donuts that you need more fat and protein.

    Eta: sorry. I don't know what happened there. Somewhere between all the comments I got your numbers mixed up. I do still think your maintenance estimation might be a little low though.
  • brundell88
    brundell88 Posts: 12 Member
    edited January 2017
    If you struggle with eating too many sweets you should try to cut them out of your diet completely. That way you eventually won't get crazy cravings for sweets. If anything eat some fruit instead.
  • dgobbett
    dgobbett Posts: 53 Member
    I like snacks as well, it is OK to put something you crave back into your diet to help with the urge. I like potato chips, I eat snack sized baked Lays chips maybe once every 1-2 weeks and it keeps me from getting crazy urges and binge eating.

    Also another tip a friend recommended was Metamucil. It seems odd, and is commonly seen as a laxative but I have been using it for a few weeks now and the fibre helps me to feel full longer. I drink one in the morning, and one before dinner and it helps me keep my portions and snacking in check.
  • mou_254
    mou_254 Posts: 153 Member
    I think where I struggle the most is with eating fats; I am scared of them for no good reason.

    Can anybody please suggest some quick, low calorie snacks? I feel especially hungry at office between 5-6pm, I think. I am 23, by the way.
  • mou_254
    mou_254 Posts: 153 Member
    Also, most of what I eat count as carbs, I think. And so far, they are not helping that much with satiety.
  • reneec257
    reneec257 Posts: 39 Member
    reneec257 wrote: »
    If you don't eat enough carbs, you will always be hungry.

    Some people find that carbohydrates promote satiety, others find they don't make much of an impact or they even make them hungrier. I love carbohydrates and eat a lot of them, but if I eat some fruit (especially dried fruit) by itself, it just unleashes my hunger.

    If I had to choose between overeating dates or having a controlled portion of dark chocolate (which I find very satisfying), I would choose the dark chocolate every single time. Why? Because maintaining a calorie balance is a key to maintaining weight loss (overeating will result in weight gain) and I find the dark chocolate to be much more satisfying.

    That isn't to say I won't enjoy dates or peaches as part of a larger meal or snack, but overeating is what led to my weight gain in the first place. Why would that be healthier for me than a reasonable portion of candy or cake?

    Most people that are overweight cannot eat just a reasonable portion of candy or cake, that is why they are overweight. It is better to learn to eat healthier foods than put yourself in a situation where you end up eating more than a reasonable amount. This forum is for opinions, not to bash other people's opinions....

  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    2 pounds/week is pretty aggressive. It is the biggest deficit recommended. Some people can sustain that for a long time by balancing their macros, so no one can say out of hand "your deficit is too big." But a too big deficit will result in hunger. That is the most likely cause if your hunger persists.

    You can:
    1) back off to a 500 cal daily deficit for several weeks to see if that is more sustainable for you
    2) start experimenting with macros (e.g. more fat & protein, fiber, too) to see what keeps you full longest
    3) wait it out. You're only 2 weeks in, and often people are hungry in the beginning & their perception of hunger does change.

    Good luck!
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    mou_254 wrote: »
    I think where I struggle the most is with eating fats; I am scared of them for no good reason.
    I feel ya, sister. I grew up in the "fat makes you fat" era, and oh, if I could get those years back. Fat is essential. You can't synthesize hormones without it. Aim for a MINIMUM of 0.35g per pound bodyweight per day.

    If your meals tend to be low fat and you struggle to get enough fat, google "fat bombs." They are sugarless flourless treats (made with nuts, nut flours, artificial sweeteners, butter, etc). And yum-mmy.
  • mou_254
    mou_254 Posts: 153 Member
    Actually 2lbs/week gave me 1200 calories, and 1.5 gave me 1460 or thereabouts, so I manually changed the calories to 1500. Have been doing this for about 5 weeks, it's just that being hungry makes me cranky. Thank you for your advice. I shall try more protein,I guess. I hit my fibre goal almost daily :)
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    mou_254 wrote: »
    I think where I struggle the most is with eating fats; I am scared of them for no good reason.

    Can anybody please suggest some quick, low calorie snacks? I feel especially hungry at office between 5-6pm, I think. I am 23, by the way.

    I find fat to be incredibly satiating. I am always feeling hungry when I don't get enough.

    Your body actually needs a certain amount of fat. It's nothing to be scared of. They're calorie-dense so you want to make sure you're accurately measuring and logging them, but fat can be one of your best friends when trying to lose weight.
  • Fitforevermore
    Fitforevermore Posts: 399 Member
    I would up your protein, protein makes you fuller for longer. I love snacks and have a sweet tooth so make sure I have calories for a mid morning protein bar (pretty much a chocolate bar, I'm not saying it's healthy), mid afternoon maybe a small chocolate (100cals) or raspberries, and after dinner I allow myself a 150 cal sweet snack like skinny cow mint chocolate chip lolly. My other meals after well calorie controlled so it works.

    Favourite snacks between 1 and 200 cals:
    Melba toast and cheese spread
    Peanut butter in yoghurt with cocoa powder
    Skinny cow mint chocolate chip
    Promax mint chocolate protein bar
    Coconut collaborative mini chocolate pots
    Ombar raw chocolate
    Graze chocolate cherry tart
    Graze fudge cookie

    Ice lollys and diet Fanta are low calorie says to satisfy my sweet tooth.

    Hope this helps
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    reneec257 wrote: »
    reneec257 wrote: »
    If you don't eat enough carbs, you will always be hungry.

    Some people find that carbohydrates promote satiety, others find they don't make much of an impact or they even make them hungrier. I love carbohydrates and eat a lot of them, but if I eat some fruit (especially dried fruit) by itself, it just unleashes my hunger.

    If I had to choose between overeating dates or having a controlled portion of dark chocolate (which I find very satisfying), I would choose the dark chocolate every single time. Why? Because maintaining a calorie balance is a key to maintaining weight loss (overeating will result in weight gain) and I find the dark chocolate to be much more satisfying.

    That isn't to say I won't enjoy dates or peaches as part of a larger meal or snack, but overeating is what led to my weight gain in the first place. Why would that be healthier for me than a reasonable portion of candy or cake?

    Most people that are overweight cannot eat just a reasonable portion of candy or cake, that is why they are overweight. It is better to learn to eat healthier foods than put yourself in a situation where you end up eating more than a reasonable amount. This forum is for opinions, not to bash other people's opinions....

    Pretty sure she didn't bash your opinion...she asked you a question.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    edited January 2017
    mou_254 wrote: »
    Actually 2lbs/week gave me 1200 calories, and 1.5 gave me 1460 or thereabouts, so I manually changed the calories to 1500. Have been doing this for about 5 weeks, it's just that being hungry makes me cranky. Thank you for your advice. I shall try more protein,I guess. I hit my fibre goal almost daily :)

    Good job on the fiber. If your deficit is 1000/day including your steps, that's 2 pounds per week. You might want to reassess your total daily energy expenditure (including steps & exercise) in addition to the deficit you can live with for the duration.