Postpartum Weight Loss

Hello Everyone,

I am new here! I joined via recommendation by a friend on FB, the tools are really awesome!

My daughter was born on May 25th, my pre preggo weight was 128 lbs, I gained about 40 lbs. (167 at nine months).

Today (8 weeks postpartum), I weigh 138 lbs. I am hoping to lose another 15 pounds in the next 8-10 weeks.

If you are a recent mom, I'd love to connect with you and share tips.

Thanks for reading and all the best to you with your fitness goals!



  • hey pre-prego weight was 157 and i weighed 176 after my daughter was born in feb 13th........working on loosing the weight tooo......... trying to eat rite and kick up my work out far ive only lost 5 pounds......but i just also started on here a week ago......

    v. hopeful!! :-)................
  • jesilva80
    jesilva80 Posts: 287 Member
    Congrats to you on your new baby !! My baby is 8 months old now. I was about 25 lbs more than i weighed origannly when my daughter was born in October. I felt sick to my stomach when i saw the scale go above 180 at my 6 week checkup and decided i had to do something. Now im 6 lbs less than my pre-preg weight. This really works in my opinion.
  • mariamore
    mariamore Posts: 27
    Hey lady, thanks for the response, I just joined 3 days ago (7/15) myself. You're lucky to have only gained 19 pounds during your pregnancy! I ate ALOT while I was pregnant! lol!

    I taught Zumba classes before my pregnancy and plan to start teaching them again once I get my fitness level back up, I'm hoping that will help with these last few pounds. I am pacing myself because I am still breastfeeding as well.
  • mariamore
    mariamore Posts: 27
    Congrats Jes! that is VERY inspiring! I'd love to get down to 120 myself, your story is very motivating!
  • Rentopia
    Rentopia Posts: 2
    Breast Feed, Breast Feed, Breast Feed you will have no trouble at all!
  • Carmiel
    Carmiel Posts: 19 Member
    Hello ladies! Unfortunately I'm almost 10 months postpartum and struggling to lose these last 15lbs that my body seems to want to stick around lol. My pre-pregnant weight was 125. I gained 35 lbs during my pregnancy, and only lost 15 during delivery :( . It's been a battle...up until last week I was walking with the baby 1.5 miles 4-5 times per, and doing zumba 4 times per week.

    I need recipes and snack ideas!!! I believe this is what's holding me back! BTW I am currently 140/139lbs...
  • mariamore
    mariamore Posts: 27
    Breast Feed, Breast Feed, Breast Feed you will have no trouble at all!

    yep, I'm still breastfeeding

    @Carmiel, it sounds like we have similar goals. Doing Zumba is great, it burns 400-700 calories per class, as far as food, I've been really paying attn to my calorie intake, using the daily food log on mfp is very helpful!
  • mrstrivette
    mrstrivette Posts: 21 Member
    Breast Feed, Breast Feed, Breast Feed you will have no trouble at all!

    Um, yeah, sorry but you can't rely on just breastfeeding to loose the baby fat. I've had two kids & breastfeed each of them for a year. I may have lost a little weight to begin with after the first one, but with the second I gained weight during his first year. I dropped down to 96lbs while preggo the first time (almost 6yrs ago) because of severe morning sickness & now I'm , gulp, 145lbs. Crossing my fingers to see 125 again soon!
  • fitev
    fitev Posts: 41
    Hi Maria, Welcome to MFP. There is so much support on here's, it's awesome. And congrats on the new baby, how exciting. Good for you for getting back into it. My daughter is now 6, but I still seem to battle with the after baby weight. Hence the reason I joined MFP. I've looked at zumba, looks so fun and energetic...I'll have to check it out seriously. Best of luck to you!
  • Carmiel
    Carmiel Posts: 19 Member
    I love the food dairy, and the fact that so many foods I eat are on there! But do struggle with entering my calories daily. I too breastfed for 6 months, and I was one of the unlucky ones who didn't lose 1 pound from bfing :ohwell:
  • syellen09
    syellen09 Posts: 8
    Congrats on the new baby! I am seven months postpartum and still have all of my baby weight plus a little more! Yikes! Breastfeeding didn't work for me as far as losing weight goes and in fact, for my sister, she didn't lose weight until she stopped bfing.
    I am new here too so I am hoping this will help! Good luck!
  • eksb
    eksb Posts: 93
    Hi Mamas! I just had my 2nd baby 3 months ago. I have a 2.5 year old. He nursed for over 2 years and I never dropped that final 15 lbs from his pregnancy when I got pregnant with #2. Luckily, I ended up not gaining as much with him and topped off at about the same weight with both (199, yikes! I was bigger to begin with). With MFP, I've now dropped down past my pre-baby #1 weight and am about 20 more to my goal. Everyday, I add about 300 extra calories to my daily goal of about 1470 (about 1800 total) for nursing but I still usually aim for about 100 less but don't worry too much as long as I'm in that range. It definitely helps to carry around a 16+lb 3 month old while chasing a 2.5 year old. If you're nursing, remember to add the extra calories but don't go overboard. I think that was my problem with #1, I was hungry all the time and didn't track what I was eating. Your body also tends to hang on to an extra 10 lbs or so when nursing so just be sure to not drop the weight too fast or cut too many calories. Sometimes the mamas that don't lose weight while nursing will lose that last bit when the baby weans (I was still nursing when I got pregnant with #2). Also, be careful with abdominal work until you know if you have diastasis (separation of the abdominal muscles). Don't do crunches if you do or else they can stay separated, work on your oblique and transverse abdominals to get everything back together. That's a lot of the "mommy pouch" you get.
  • oh hunn dnt even worry about it....just pace urself.....breastfeeding has really helped me get back in shape a lil bit....then i just started doing like 2 mile walks 3 times a week.......i want to do zumba classes too....just cant find a place yet!..... :-(
  • mariamore
    mariamore Posts: 27
    Thanks for all the responses everyone! I am sending everyone on here a friend request! :-)