Fallen off the wagon!!

This week has been terrible! Had KFC a big bag of malteasers, big bag of m&ms and a big bag of sensatuons. It's been a stressful week I've only been gym 3 times and I am terrified I'm going to gain


  • Canehdn
    Canehdn Posts: 122 Member
    Stressful times and if you've been restricting your diet are never a good combination. You just have to stick with it. I always have to tell myself to stop making excuses of why I shouldn't go to the gym or that dessert or snack won't hurt. The more I struggle the more I know I have to make the hard choices. I'm happier when I do.
    Don't give up. You so got this.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Sorry your week has been stressful. How does next week look? I now tend to go to maintenance calories during stressful times. Too hard to be hungry AND stressed. A week or two over goal means nothing in the grand scheme of things, especially if you were still at or under your maintenance calories for the week.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,146 Member
    Try not to worry! Just because you're be fallen off doesn't mean you can't get back on!

    Why not start small again? There was a great post where it was something like "just for today"

    So you could have:
    Just for today I will stay within my calorie limit

    Just for today I will do my workout at the gym etc.
    Then you're not focusing on too many things!
  • Jayj180894
    Jayj180894 Posts: 286 Member
    Thanks guys! Hopefully after this weekend it will be a lot less stressful! The annoying thing is that not only am i doing it too lose weight, but for my mental health, and how great I've been feeling for it. But hey ho tomorrow is a new day! And even if I put a couple of pounds on, I can 'start again" only a few pounds lighter than when I first started