Any Wives of Police Officers, Firefighters, EMS?

Just wanted to be able to see if there are any Law Enforcement, Firefighters, EMS wives out there. Even if you're a Police Officer, Firefighter, or EMS, I would gladly love to become apart of your weightloss/healthy life journey here on MFP! I know how the schedules are, how nights can exhaust my husband completely, how hard he works as he risks his life day by day. I am very proud of him, though. I'm very proud of all who endure these types of careers and the spouses and families who support them. You all are wonderful!


  • Chynadoll00
    :flowerforyou: ... Best of luck to you and your family many prayers to all of those who risk their own lives for the well being of others!!
  • DimenaZhena
    DimenaZhena Posts: 102
    :flowerforyou: ... Best of luck to you and your family many prayers to all of those who risk their own lives for the well being of others!!

    Thank you so much! :)
  • MandiMM
    MandiMM Posts: 5 Member
    My husband is an EMT, and used to work 24 hour shifts (with the occasional 48 hour). Right now though he is a night supervisor for his station (it's a private ambulance company), so he's working from 6p to 7a... but he leaves at 5p and gets home at 8a. He works a sort of weird schedule that rotates, and we're used to it now. This week he will be off Sun-Mon-Tues, work Wed-Thurs, off Fri-Sat... so just 2 days on. But then next week he works Sun-Mon-Tues, off Wed-Thurs, work Fri-Sat, then it repeats back to that first week.

    The hardest part is when he has to work, we eat dinner early (between 3 and 4), and if we have things to do or our son has therapy appointments (he has developmental delays), we can sometimes get back from those at 3:30... so he has to eat, shower, get ready, pack his food for overnight and leave at 5. THOSE days are hard. As far as working out, he joins me and the kids on walks when he can (mainly the days off) and he's just watching what he eats. He's lost 17 lbs since May 19!
  • CRmom2
    CRmom2 Posts: 73
    Congrats to your husband! Your family sounds very supportive!
  • Chynadoll00
    :flowerforyou: ... Best of luck to you and your family many prayers to all of those who risk their own lives for the well being of others!!

    Thank you so much! :)

    Your welcome! ... Hubby is on the evening/weekendsshift which sucks for family functions and outings. How about yours? How ever he is the best support that I have maybe due to his line of work
  • MandiMM
    MandiMM Posts: 5 Member
    Missing holidays suck, but our kids are 6yrs and 4 months, so right now we can get away with celebrating when he's home and not worrying about "Well the 25th is Christmas, not the 23rd, or the 26th!". But for family functions... I either go with out him (which I hate doing, and only do for his dad's side), and we tell his mom, "Oh well!". LOL. I don't get along with his mom at ALL.
  • Chynadoll00
    LOL... well on our end my side is the biggest I am the youngest of 5 girls and a total of 13 cousins 15 with my two!! and My are 3 and 4 I am not a fan of having to run after 2 small ones on my own and not to mention we live 30-40 mins away from most of the family and I hate coming in alone at night with my litle ones so it def. has its not soo happy moments. His dad not in the picture at all thank God His mother is pretty ok but we keep her at am length for the most part
  • Nursingmomof2
    My husband is a police officer here in glorious LA. He's been on the department for 6 years. I dont talk to my side of the family at all, so that makes dealing with holidays simpler. Everyone we do like come to our house whenever they can for the holiday. Usually just his mom, my bio dad and bio grandparents and that's that! LOL!
  • FirewifeCarrie
    My hubs is a firefighter/medic and I'm a proud fire wife! Great to have something else in common with people on here. :)
    My husband works 24 hour shifts and sometimes is away for 72 hours straight...SUCKS!! We have 3 children (5, 3 and almost 2) and I am a 5th grade teacher so our lives are very busy! Getting time to workout is pretty difficult at times but we both make time for each other to do our workouts. My husband is training to run in a half marathon in October and he is also training to be a triathlete. I like to do cardio workouts and go to the track and run, walk, and workout on the bleachers. I think this has helped improve our relationship and we are creating a much healthier family!
  • wiffe
    wiffe Posts: 224 Member
    My husband is a police officer.
  • Chynadoll00
    Ok so hubby's birthday is this weekend!! Just spoke to Sgt. crossing my fingers on pulling off a surprise birthday Roll call with his shift tomorrow night!! Wish me luck :drinker:
  • xXHeatherRaeXx
    xXHeatherRaeXx Posts: 175 Member
    My husband's a police officer and a volunteer firefighter. :heart:
  • angieaanderson
    My husband's a deputy sheriff. He went from working on railroads, heavy machinery and fleet vehicles to finally fulfilling his dream of becoming a law enforcement officer. He was promoted to Corporal right out of academy and I couldn't be prouder!

    (If it sounds like I'm bragging about him... I am. I can't help it :)