Any Wives of Police Officers, Firefighters, EMS?

Just wanted to be able to see if there are any Law Enforcement, Firefighters, EMS wives out there. Even if you're a Police Officer, Firefighter, or EMS, I would gladly love to become apart of your weightloss/healthy life journey here on MFP! I know how the schedules are, how nights can exhaust my husband completely, how hard he works as he risks his life day by day. I am very proud of him, though. I'm very proud of all who endure these types of careers and the spouses and families who support them. You all are wonderful!


  • CRmom2
    CRmom2 Posts: 73
    I recently earned my EMT-B certification and look forward to the challange of the field but I am also well aware of the struggles that are involved. Thank you for being a supportive family member and citizen!
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    My fiance is a corrections officer and is law enforcement certified... however it's hard to find a job right now as a police officer :(((
    But I agree the hours and stress take a toll.
  • DimenaZhena
    DimenaZhena Posts: 102
    Both very hard jobs! Thank you to CRmom2! And xoxmalsxox and your fiance! )
  • CRmom2
    CRmom2 Posts: 73
    Both very hard jobs! Thank you to CRmom2! And xoxmalsxox and your fiance! )

    What area does your husband work?
  • My husband is a volunteer firefighter here in Georgia. He spent 20 years as a firefighter while in the Air Force, then when he retired, he didn't think he wanted to continue, but after three years, he missed it, and when he tried to get back into the field , was told he was too old. He went to work as a contractor on base for a while, now he's a civil service worker, but he spends every waking minute he can working for the fire department as a volunteer. Funny, he's too old to be a paid fireman, but not to old to spend more than 40 hours a week volunteering his time. LOL I'm the VP of the Auxiliary now, so every minute of our free time is spent with the FD. Yep, it consumes our lives, our energy and can be taxing on the nerves and a strain on the marriage to say the least if you're not prepared for it. I am extremely proud of my husband, and fully support him and his career, knowing that what he does, he has chosen to do, and knows the risks involved. He risks his life daily for others, and I sit home each time he leaves our home and pray that God will bring him home to me. We're not getting any each year gets just a little bit harder for me to handle, but hopefully hubby will know when to slow down and give up this career and turn the reigns over to the younger generation. ;)
  • themurph8910
    themurph8910 Posts: 124
    My husband is a Police Officer in Texas and I work for the same agency as a Police, Fire, and EMS dispatcher. It is very stressful with the crazy hours we work and the added stress of the crazy people on the streets. I can say that my Husband does a great job keeping in shape but I on the other hand have gained about 20 pounds in the 3 years that I have been here (not that I was a bombshell before, but would like to get that way now) its hard working nights and having an odd eating and sleeping schedule. Thanks to everyone and the partners for keeping their cities safe! Its hard being a Police Officers wife but only the strong can handle it.
  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    Hi Gorgeous!

    Not a wife (yet) but hopefully will be one day. My guy'll be off to depot for RCMP training here soon as soon as he completes all the things that he needs to do for qualifying. But still feel free to add me! =)