Keto and IF fanatic here!!

Hey fitness fam!!
I'm new here for the 100x but totally am ready to embark this new lifestyle of health and weight loss. I'm starting Keto (on Monday) and been IF for about 2 weeks now. Looking for friends with similar goals and interest. Looking to lose 62 pounds. So feel free to add me and let's do this!!!


  • Kimba1949
    Kimba1949 Posts: 4 Member
    Excuse my stupidity but what is IF?
  • MrsNYC
    MrsNYC Posts: 5 Member
    Kimba1949 wrote: »
    Excuse my stupidity but what is IF?
    Not at all!! IF for intermittent fasting, which means I eat 8h out of 24h (from noon to max 8PM) I don't eat in between (for 16h)

  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Hello and welcome! I suggest you check out the main low carber daily forum group here in MFP. It's where most of us Ketophiles tend to hang out:

    There are also several LCHF members that do IF as well.
  • gamthe3rd
    gamthe3rd Posts: 9 Member
    I'm keto too! I've lost over almost 80 pounds on it.
  • MrsNYC
    MrsNYC Posts: 5 Member
    ladipoet wrote: »
    Hello and welcome! I suggest you check out the main low carber daily forum group here in MFP. It's where most of us Ketophiles tend to hang out:

    There are also several LCHF members that do IF as well.

    Thank you! I've asked to join the group. I'm sure I can find help and support there. Thanks for sharing again.
  • MrsNYC
    MrsNYC Posts: 5 Member
    gamthe3rd wrote: »
    I'm keto too! I've lost over almost 80 pounds on it.

    Unbelievable @gamthe3rd !!!! How long I've you been on it? How much fat and protein you eat a day?? Amazing results!!!
  • tmoneyag99
    tmoneyag99 Posts: 480 Member
    MrsNYC wrote: »
    Kimba1949 wrote: »
    Excuse my stupidity but what is IF?
    Not at all!! IF for intermittent fasting, which means I eat 8h out of 24h (from noon to max 8PM) I don't eat in between (for 16h)

    So interesting. This was my life as a kid. My mom never fed us breakfast so we would eat lunch and then dinner then go to bed. No snacks either.

    Probably not the way a growing kid should eat.
  • MrsNYC
    MrsNYC Posts: 5 Member
    tmoneyag99 wrote: »
    MrsNYC wrote: »
    Kimba1949 wrote: »
    Excuse my stupidity but what is IF?
    Not at all!! IF for intermittent fasting, which means I eat 8h out of 24h (from noon to max 8PM) I don't eat in between (for 16h)

    So interesting. This was my life as a kid. My mom never fed us breakfast so we would eat lunch and then dinner then go to bed. No snacks either.

    Probably not the way a growing kid should eat.

    Kids shouldn't be IF no. I give breakfast to my son every single day even if I don't eat. He doesn't need to lose weight, I do :lol:

    I've read a super interesting book about intermittent fasting actually called the obesity code. It gives you all the reasons, results and research of why, IF is beneficial for adults.
  • sherriann79
    sherriann79 Posts: 5 Member
    I can't believe this if the first time I've posted on here (didn't even know the communities existed). I'm stepping back into the LC lifestyle and just heard about Keto. I'm definitely interested in learning more about that!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited January 2017
    I can't believe this if the first time I've posted on here (didn't even know the communities existed). I'm stepping back into the LC lifestyle and just heard about Keto. I'm definitely interested in learning more about that!

    The LC group link up above... it's a good group of ppl.. very helpful and friendly! You'll feel apart of things right away. Welcome to the secret society part of the forums of MFP! :D
  • sherriann79
    sherriann79 Posts: 5 Member
    I can't believe this if the first time I've posted on here (didn't even know the communities existed). I'm stepping back into the LC lifestyle and just heard about Keto. I'm definitely interested in learning more about that!

    The LC group link up above... it's a good group of ppl.. very helpful and friendly! You'll feel apart of things right away. Welcome to the secret society part of the forums of MFP! :D

    Thank you!! I sent a request to the group. I can't wait to join!
  • gamthe3rd
    gamthe3rd Posts: 9 Member
    MrsNYC wrote: »
    gamthe3rd wrote: »
    I'm keto too! I've lost over almost 80 pounds on it.

    Unbelievable @gamthe3rd !!!! How long I've you been on it? How much fat and protein you eat a day?? Amazing results!!!

    Thanks lol. I've been on it about 9-10 months-ish. I try to stay as close to 20 NET carbs as possible. My macros are 20% protein 5%carbs 75%fat. Or I try to get as close to that as possible. I use keto stix that I get from CVS. I test my ketone levels daily. Study and track for hidden carbs. DRINK LOTS OF WATER. very important. Even if it's sparkling water. I try to get as much liquid in me as possible. Leafy greens and a lot of meat to eat. A lot of eggs. Learn how to make fat bombs! Remember to watch calories too. Fuel is fuel. And it will store as body fat if you have an access at the end of the day. Get your micronutrients. Take your vitamins. Especially fiber such as psyllium husks, in my opinion work great. Everyone is different though. This diet isn't for everyone. I started this journey at almost 300 pounds and now I am 210 as of today after 8-9 months.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    To add, make sure you are eating adequate sodium (3000 to 5000mg a day) and foods high in potassium and magnesium. This will help balance electrolytes.