New And Looking For Support

Hi...i am new here and just thought i would take a moment to introduce myself. I have been morbidly obeese and struggling to lose the weight for over ten years now. Sense im close to hitting 30 and pretty much my entire life has been ruined by this...i am finnally ready to say enough is enough and make a change. I recently hit my highest weight ever (495 lbs) and with all it has done to devestate my physical mental financial and spiritual health im barely living. I see a dietician once a month and in the mean time im following this meal plan and going to try to excorsize at least three times a week. Im hoping to be able to get on here for some support. Maybe meet some people that can talk with me and offer support and hold me accountable? I would be very grateful because of my condition i cant realky get out and meet people and am very isolated. Anyway i guess thats about it. Thanks.


  • debbiedavis1965
    debbiedavis1965 Posts: 23 Member
    I would love to friends and be a support buddy. It's such a hard journey friends in the same boat are priceless.
  • diesel073
    diesel073 Posts: 15 Member
    Feel free to add. Everyone starts out in a different place but we all have similar goals! You can do it!
  • kyanalynsiepe98
    kyanalynsiepe98 Posts: 36 Member
    Feel free to add me also! (: I am willing to lend a helping hand whenever you need it!
  • gdsmit1
    gdsmit1 Posts: 137 Member
    Congrats on taking the first steps to get in better shape. You obviously know what you need to do. The people around here are good motivators. Keep checking in and they will be a big help.
  • Natbat31
    Natbat31 Posts: 5 Member
    I feel you girl. I recently had a lot of medical issues right after one another that made me gain weight. If you ever need some support or need to vent feel free to hit me up!