Favourite Smoothies?

Just got a smoothie maker and want some good paleo friendly ideas.


  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    No idea if it's caveman friendly but my go to is always peanut butter, banana and milk.
  • TheHive
    TheHive Posts: 84 Member
    sounds nice, id have to make it with almond milk, a nut butter and banana :)
  • TheHive
    TheHive Posts: 84 Member
    made a huge shop yesterday of fruits and vegetables, it's nice to see colour in my fridge
  • ironsnowflake
    ironsnowflake Posts: 4 Member
    1 Cup Vitamin D Whole Milk (160 13 9 8 130 12)
    1 Banana (I prefer organic) (105 27 0 1 1 14)
    1 cup berries (straight or mixed) (83 21 0 1 1 14)

    1-2 scoop(s) 100% Whey Protein, vanilla flavor (130/260 3/6 1.5/3 27/54 150/300 2/4)
    Cinnamon to taste

    2 tbsp ground flaxseed (I like Trader Joe's Organic Golden Roasted) (90 4 7 3 0 0)

    Totals w/optional:
    kcal: 568/698 C: 68/71 F: 17.5/19 P: 40/67 NaCl: 282/432 Sugar; 42/44)

    This can be a meal or post-lift shake. I often substitute the whole milk with .5 cup oats and 1-2 cup(s) of almond milk for a filling breakfast. FWIW, I find it to be pretty sweet myself.

    Also, +1 on the fruits and veggies in the fridge. (Bonus +1 when you get them in ur belly...) :p

    Best to you in achieving all your goals!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Cavemen had blenders?

  • ironsnowflake
    ironsnowflake Posts: 4 Member
    Cavemen had blenders?

    Pretty sure Apple had a Mammoth-powered version available back then...