Back on the wagon

Hi all,
I signed up around 5 months ago and had good results fairly swiftly but unfortunately picked up a really horrid flu type bug which meant I was unable to exercise for a couple of weeks. You've guessed it, a couple of weeks turned into a couple of months but now, I am back, have done my exercise for today and I am tracking what I eat.

Just wanted to say hi really and say that I find reading the posts on here really useful.

Good luck to everyone


  • curlyjayne
    curlyjayne Posts: 120
    I am too back on the wagon after falling off last november due to illness.
    I stopped exercising and started eating what i wanted when i wanted, resulting in going up a dress size!
    got nearly a stone to lose to get me back to where i was last year, then if i am realistic another stone to a stone and a half to get me down to correct weight.
    started exercising again only 30mins or so a night but its a start!
    add me as a freind and perhaps we can motivate each other to stay on the wagon
    curlyjayne x
  • candis30
    candis30 Posts: 17
    Welcome Back!! You can do it!:smile: