
Hi everyone,
My name is Laura and I'm wanting to loose at least a stone for my wedding on 05th November 2011.:smile:
I'm an emotional eater which never helps with any diet, and I need a good kick up the butt!
I also have a conditional called IIH which does impact on my life and loosing weight should help with this.
Laura XXX


  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    Hi Laura, welcome to MFP you'll find lots of resources and helpful people here.

    Enjoy it and congratulations on your wedding.
  • smilie27
    smilie27 Posts: 12
    Hi Laura,

    Congratulations on your wedding day!

    I've only been on here a week now but have so much support!!

  • cammers74
    cammers74 Posts: 45

    Im new too! Am on day 2, so feel free to add me as a friend as I dont currently have any! Haha. Im bridesmaid for my friend on NYE and need to lose about a stone too, so we could help eachother along the way...?!

    Lynds :) x
  • hockeywag
    hockeywag Posts: 4 Member
    I have added you Lynds! I could do with someone to give me a good kick up the butt when I need it! XX
  • cammers74
    cammers74 Posts: 45
    Cool, keep in touch with me then, let me know how you're getting on and I'll do the same! Im only on day 2 so not really much to report, but I do struggle to lose weight even though I do a lot of exercise...thought Id give this a go to see if it works! Having a friend alongside always helps to shove you in the right direction though!

    I tried Zumba last night for the first time and did some cardio and a bodypump class this morning. Just need to lay of the choclate and junk food now!! Fingers crossed...! x