My name is Carol

My goal is to lose at least 100 lbs. So far I have been using. Sunrider Vita Shakes and good healthy eating.

Walking 1 mile a day. With my pedometer. If is is to cold my plan is to ride my indoor bike.


  • edup1975
    edup1975 Posts: 486 Member
    Welcome to m f p
  • turtlesmith12345
    turtlesmith12345 Posts: 5 Member
    Easiest way I've found to lose weight is threw intermittent fasting. Like eat stop eat, it allows for amazing results. With little effort. I've done it before for a year then in Nov I fell off. But I've gotten back on and so far it's been good.
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    My goal is to lose at least 100 lbs. So far I have been using. Sunrider Vita Shakes and good healthy eating.

    Walking 1 mile a day. With my pedometer. If is is to cold my plan is to ride my indoor bike.

    Snap my name is Carol too. You can do this, the secret don't give up, one day at a time, log all your food and drink and be honest, digital food scale a must. Mutually support your friends it will pay dividends to help you stay focused. Any question just ask. Good luck Carol