For the ladies who are afraid to lift weights...

We hear this all the time, woman that are afraid to use weights because "I don't want to get muscular like a man".....

If this is you, then you have to check out this lady: Jamie Eason. She is a body builder, fitness model and overall fitness guru. She will make you rethink the myth about woman and lifting weights. Her website also has good info on cooking. I don't know about any of you, but she looks incredibly feminine to me!


  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    She looks great! I try to convince many ladies of this very fact, but many don't believe me and say they don't want to bulk up.. even when I tell them that they won't because they lack testosterone. Oh well. They'll be envious when I look like Jamie and they don't. :wink:
  • LushLoni
    LushLoni Posts: 161 Member
    Great post... Am going to join a body pump class when I reach a certain fitness and confidence level... I LONG for nice arms :-)
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    She looks great! I try to convince many ladies of this very fact, but many don't believe me and say they don't want to bulk up.. even when I tell them that they won't because they lack testosterone. Oh well. They'll be envious when I look like Jamie and they don't. :wink:
    HaHa! Your someone who "gets it"! lol I try to convince my wife of that every time she complains about needing to get rid of the flab around her arms. I think I have her convinced now and she is willing to give it a try. She is visiting family now but when she returns she wants to speak with one of the female trainers at the gym.
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    love her, she is awesome, my wife is currently doing NROL for women so she is fine with lifting weights
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    I do weights and always have done. I feel much better for doing them, but I cant see me wearing her swimsuits anytime soon!! :blushing:
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    Great post... Am going to join a body pump class when I reach a certain fitness and confidence level... I LONG for nice arms :-)

    Don't wait to reach a "certain fitness and confidence level." You can get great arms and firm everything else at the same time just by taking flow yoga.

    I have been taking 3 classes a week for about three weeks, and I can't believe the difference in my arms already! :happy: :happy:
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    She looks great! I try to convince many ladies of this very fact, but many don't believe me and say they don't want to bulk up.. even when I tell them that they won't because they lack testosterone. Oh well. They'll be envious when I look like Jamie and they don't. :wink:
    HaHa! Your someone who "gets it"! lol I try to convince my wife of that every time she complains about needing to get rid of the flab around her arms. I think I have her convinced now and she is willing to give it a try. She is visiting family now but when she returns she wants to speak with one of the female trainers at the gym.

    Good for her at least being willing to give it a try. That is the first step. :smile: I try to tell women that it's not muscle that bulks them up, it's fat. :tongue: Maybe one day they will listen. Oh, and that weights that weigh less than their purse won't help them out much.
  • LushLoni
    LushLoni Posts: 161 Member
    Great post... Am going to join a body pump class when I reach a certain fitness and confidence level... I LONG for nice arms :-)

    Don't wait to reach a "certain fitness and confidence level." You can get great arms and firm everything else at the same time just by taking flow yoga.

    I have been taking 3 classes a week for about three weeks, and I can't believe the difference in my arms already! :happy: :happy:

    I just want to start when I'm ready - I'm not there yet, doing some free weights in the gym and a lot of swimming right now.
  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    I ordered 30DS and once it arrived i saw the "butch" looking woman on the back, id thought id made the wrong choice, i didnt want to look bulky i wanted "lady" muscles.

    I was assured by many MFP women that i wouldnt go bulky and i would get a nicely toned physique.

    I have to say, strength training/cardio workouts have been the most help on my weight loss journey, i am no longer afraid to pick up a small weight and give it my all. Strength training really is such a great help when it comes to building muscle, as in turn muscle helps you burn fat!

    Look at my profile pic, i dont think i look "manly" do i?
  • GemmieNoWobbles
    GemmieNoWobbles Posts: 398 Member
    She's the body lady!! I think she looks fantastic!! Never been scared about bulking up, its just not possible for us ladies!! I am aiming to lower my body fat % and build me some nice muscles!! I am this (in my own way)

    I also am building up the weights.... I now do squats / lunges with 16kg (35ish lbs) barbell and I do chest presses with the same weight, still need to build up my bingo wings as they are still weakest!
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    I ordered 30DS and once it arrived i saw the "butch" looking woman on the back, id thought id made the wrong choice, i didnt want to look bulky i wanted "lady" muscles.

    I was assured by many MFP women that i wouldnt go bulky and i would get a nicely toned physique.

    I have to say, strength training/cardio workouts have been the most help on my weight loss journey, i am no longer afraid to pick up a small weight and give it my all. Strength training really is such a great help when it comes to building muscle, as in turn muscle helps you burn fat!

    Look at my profile pic, i dont think i look "manly" do i?
    Not at all! You look fantastic and fit!! Great job of not being afraid to toss some weights around!
  • SamanthasKitschen
    My favourite topic! I try not to get involved in women lifting weights discussions now though as I just end up getting frustrated! Granted I have now put back on the weight I lost, but I was most successful at losing weight when I was lifting heavy weights 3 times a week and keeping cardio for warm ups and short fast sprints. I also find it more fun! and most importantly weights improved my body shape and made clothes shopping pleasurable once again.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    good stuff!

    My wife goes to a trainer (yes, I'm a trainer, but training your wife is just a recipe for disaster IMHO, the wife agrees so we avoid that little potential "hiccup") and he does 3 days a week of either circuit or straight weight training. She also teaches body pump. She also wanted to lose between 50 and 70 lbs when she started with him, she's down 30 plus now (which is AWESOME!) and she lifts heavy weight, not 10 or 20 lb stuff, she does 140 lb bar bell squats, 80 lb presses, she uses the 20 lb dumbbells, the 35 lb dumbbells, she routinely has the heaviest weight in her body pump class (even though her classes are full with 25 ppl and 5 or 6 guys on most occasions, even more than me in some cases, and I lift pretty heavy)

    And she's been doing this for a few years, she has yet to start to look "musclely"

    I normally don't use anecdotal evidence to prove my point, but I just wanted to show you that it's not just some far away trainer that believes in this. Women have different hormones than men, Testosterone is the main ingrediant in mass building, and you ladies don't produce anywhere near as much as we men do, even if you lift really heavy. Other than steroids you just can't bulk up that way. You can (and should IMHO) lift as heavy as you can handle with good form and you won't "bulk up".

    In fact, I can (I'd have to dig) produce more than 1 research study (that has been correlated with other studies) that shows that heavy weight training is one of THE most beneficial things you can do for your body, assuming it's done with good form and in the correct amounts. Cardio is great, but it only trains half your muscles, and long and low is fine for muscular endurance, but won't help you activate dormant muscles or build muscle fibers (hypertrophy). Long and low means High repetition sets (long sets) and low weight. Really you want 2 days of short and high (short sets and rep amounts with the highest weight you can handle), 1 day of long and low, and 2 to 3 days of hard cardio and 1 day rest. And try to keep them separate if possible.


  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    Great post... Am going to join a body pump class when I reach a certain fitness and confidence level... I LONG for nice arms :-)

    Don't wait to reach a "certain fitness and confidence level." You can get great arms and firm everything else at the same time just by taking flow yoga.

    I have been taking 3 classes a week for about three weeks, and I can't believe the difference in my arms already! :happy: :happy:

    I just want to start when I'm ready - I'm not there yet, doing some free weights in the gym and a lot of swimming right now.
    I think you have it right, start when you are ready to! Only you will know when that is. Thats the best way to be successful!
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    good stuff!

    My wife goes to a trainer (yes, I'm a trainer, but training your wife is just a recipe for disaster IMHO, the wife agrees so we avoid that little potential "hiccup") and he does 3 days a week of either circuit or straight weight training. She also teaches body pump. She also wanted to lose between 50 and 70 lbs when she started with him, she's down 30 plus now (which is AWESOME!) and she lifts heavy weight, not 10 or 20 lb stuff, she does 140 lb bar bell squats, 80 lb presses, she uses the 20 lb dumbbells, the 35 lb dumbbells, she routinely has the heaviest weight in her body pump class (even though her classes are full with 25 ppl and 5 or 6 guys on most occasions, even more than me in some cases, and I lift pretty heavy)

    And she's been doing this for a few years, she has yet to start to look "musclely"

    I normally don't use anecdotal evidence to prove my point, but I just wanted to show you that it's not just some far away trainer that believes in this. Women have different hormones than men, Testosterone is the main ingrediant in mass building, and you ladies don't produce anywhere near as much as we men do, even if you lift really heavy. Other than steroids you just can't bulk up that way. You can (and should IMHO) lift as heavy as you can handle with good form and you won't "bulk up".

    In fact, I can (I'd have to dig) produce more than 1 research study (that has been correlated with other studies) that shows that heavy weight training is one of THE most beneficial things you can do for your body, assuming it's done with good form and in the correct amounts. Cardio is great, but it only trains half your muscles, and long and low is fine for muscular endurance, but won't help you activate dormant muscles or build muscle fibers (hypertrophy). Long and low means High repetition sets (long sets) and low weight. Really you want 2 days of short and high (short sets and rep amounts with the highest weight you can handle), 1 day of long and low, and 2 to 3 days of hard cardio and 1 day rest. And try to keep them separate if possible.



    Thanks for adding your comments! I was hopeful I would get a trainer to back me up on this! I can relate to the training the wife thing, there is NO WAY I want to try that. I know better. LOL
  • xXxKayleighxXx
    I think you need strength training to get that toned.

    She looks lovely and not "manly" at all.

    It's hard enough for the men to get as big as the "big guys", some even resorting to steroids, so i don't think us girls really have anything to worry about.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    I love strength training....

    I'm following ChaLean Extreme.... and I will never give it up.... I really need to work on muscle endurance though....!

    After 8 weeks, I can see the results already....
  • hail87666
    hail87666 Posts: 176 Member

    Good for her at least being willing to give it a try. That is the first step. :smile: I try to tell women that it's not muscle that bulks them up, it's fat. :tongue: Maybe one day they will listen. Oh, and that weights that weigh less than their purse won't help them out much.

    Ohh dear, best up my weights from 10kg to 20kg if it's got to weigh more than my purse lol
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I try to tell women that it's not muscle that bulks them up, it's fat.

    So much this...

    Look at the different densities of fat in comparison to muscle. Does it make ANY sense that if you remove 1lb of fat but add 1lbs of muscle you will look bigger? No.
  • FatGirlSlim89
    As a female I get so annoyed when other women are like 'Oh ew I don't lift weights'. UGH don't they realise that building up this lean muscle will allow them to eat more calories, as it speeds up metabolism? Not only that but I want to look toned, not skinny and rake-ish!

    EDIT: Went on that site you posted, holy cow that woman looks amazing- the way she looks is my goal. Thatnks for such useful info!