Does anyone else need someone to "check in" with regularly?

Hi my name is Daniela 56 years old and I am returning to My Fitness Pal after a long hiatus. I would love to have someone that I could check in with (i.e., Did you get in your exercise today? Good job on the exercise?, etc.) and vise versa. We could kind of coach each other (in a positive way).
If you need this too, let me know.
When I track, I lose weight especially if I also exercise. My goal is to lose 20 pounds by July and get on a daily exercise plan but I want to be reasonable about my strategy. I am starting slowly in regards to the exercise but I was barely doing any, so now I just want to do something every day for at least 10 minutes (hopefully some days will be an hour or more). I belong to LA Fitness but I rarely go. Sometimes I go and do the spinning class which is a great workout. I have checked out the Has fit videos. They have some excellent You Tube videos for someone older or out of shape starting. I have osteopenia so I do need to do weight bearing exercises regularly.


  • tzpriscilla
    tzpriscilla Posts: 1 Member
    I could use a check in friend. I am 49 and have gained weight every year past age 45. Ugh. My activitie level has decreased. I am a go getter so once I commit I don't let up. So, if you are very serious about this proposition,let's do this. :)
  • susancunninghamtucci9
    I could use a partner.
  • Laurdee
    Laurdee Posts: 1 Member
    Hi ladies! I just turned 65! Yikes!! We just got back from a week in Aruba, and pretty much ate my way through the island. But, oh so much fun!! I could really use some help, positive feedback and encouragement. Let me know if you still want people to check in with.

    I used to use Myfitnesspal all the time. Time to start fresh!
  • DanElizKim
    DanElizKim Posts: 14 Member
    Sorry. I did not answer faster. I am serious about needing support. I was looking at the MFP messages and for some reason did not realize that, of course, the answers to my posting would be on the message board. Also, I did not think I would get three answers. In the meantime, however, maybe one of you are no longer interested. If your are interested, let me know if this is what you are looking for. I guess we could all four work as a team or maybe pair off with each other. I think I need to have a person that checks on me in terms of tracking both exercise and food and I would be happy to do the same for you or whatever you are interested in.
  • rgawan
    rgawan Posts: 3 Member
    I would like to have a check in partner too!! Maybe we could pair off with each other? (we are not an even number so we may need to have a team of three) My name is Regan, I live in Mesa, Arizona. I am 55. I have been more or less inactive for the winter and am recommitted to trying to get back in shape. I joined a gym and got a trainer. I like to bicycle to and home from work a couple times a week, and I like to mountain bike, hike, backpack. Daniela, this was your initiative.. what do you think?
  • DanElizKim
    DanElizKim Posts: 14 Member
    Well, you will be an inspiration to me. I wish I was doing as much. I like to bike and hike too but do not regularly do it.
    I really want to get into the routine of exercising every day as well. For me, it is not just about weight loss but overall health and well being. My plan is to start slow and build to more time and more strenuous each month. I also have no interest in extreme measures or fads. I am starting with 1 lb. per week goal but only for a month and then will toning it down to 3 lbs. the following month and finally 2 and then 1lb per month until I reach my 20 lb goal.

    I am a high school counselor at a public school in the town I live and am lucky enough to be able to take the summers off during which I am pretty active. (It's during the school year that I have been more of couch potato.) I don't drink or smoke but I overeat especially when I stay up late and watch netflix (A bad habit I have gotten into the last couple of years). One of my goals is to go to bed by 9:30 (I have to get up at 5:30 for work). Also, not eat after 7pm.

    So what kind of support are you looking for?
    I would need help in the form of preferably checking in regularly (1x/day to start with) mainly to check that I did some kind of excercise and tracked.
  • DanElizKim
    DanElizKim Posts: 14 Member
    I've started doing some of these short slower moving workouts (which help stretch, get metabolism up, and build strength).
    15 Min Senior Workout - HASfit Exercise for Elderly - Seniors Exercises for Elderly - Seniors