My Pants Went On, weeeee!

About 3-4 weeks ago I tried to get on a pair of pants. They where the pants I once love to wear but eventually stopped wearing them because I grew out of them. So they moved to the back of my closet. Without my permission, the closet Gremlins took those pants and moved them back up front. Yes I am serious, Gremlins!

Seeing them right there in front of me I couldnt resist, I had to try them on. Sure my brain was like "no way fatty" but my heart was like "you can do I did and they didn't! I couldnt even get them over my thighs let alone buttoned. Nope, with a defeated ego and heart I put them back in the closet.

This morning was the weigh in time. After my shower and all naked I got on the scale (scale weighs ounces, you bet your boopy I weigh naked) and I have lost 13 lbs in 3 to 4 weeks. Not going to lie, my smile was big! When I went to get dressed, those pants were right there, calling me, taunting me really. To shut them up I had to try.

Not only did they go over my thighs but over my waist and buttoned. I didnt even have to suck anything in. I wore them all day to comfortably. Honestly though, bending over putting my shoes and socks on was a adventure in its self but I did it!

I have had a tough week...My dad had open heart Surgery a few days ago and I have been wanting food for comfort. If ever there was a reason to turn to food I thought I had it but I honestly had to keep thinking about my dad and why he was in the hospital. Growing old is hard enough, adding obesity to it, UGH!

Power On, Power Through


Reno, NV


  • hhof
    hhof Posts: 26 Member
    It was the donating of 22 pairs of pants! I could'nt believe I had all these pants three different sizes, size 14W, 16W and yes I even had a couple of 18W. Today I wear a 12! And those pants that were a lil too tight sitting in the darkness of my closet were too big too!
  • Reno_Amber
    Reno_Amber Posts: 10 Member
    22 pairs, wow! That is awesome. I am in sizes that are in the 20s. I will be so happy to hit a size 18. If I can get to a 10 I will be over the moon. One day at a time to reach those results! Congrats on a size 12.