New and need Support

Im a 30year old mom who's looking for support. I have over 200 pounds to loose and im tiered of putting my life on hold because of weight. Im looking to loose at least one pound a week and would like to connect with people who can help me. My goal is to feel confident and comfortable in my own skin. Ive been overweight my whole life and im tiered of my weight holding me back.


  • chaosd24
    chaosd24 Posts: 4 Member
    I totally get it!! How do I join or connect with people? I'm new to this.
  • chaosd24
    chaosd24 Posts: 4 Member
    A bit about me... I'm 43 5'4" need to lose 200lbs. I previously lost 130 but have plateaued and have been unable to lose more.
  • shanelle282
    shanelle282 Posts: 2 Member
    That's amazing! Congratulations on your lost. Ive lost 80 pounds after having my daughter an gained its all back a year later. Im now heavier than when i was full term...
  • allnewnicole
    allnewnicole Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Nicole and I am 25 years old. I have a short term goal of losing 30lbs and then want to go from there and lose more. I am married and trying to get into shape to get pregnant. This is going to be very touch since I am used to sitting at my desk all day and eating junk