Mommas !

Just had my 2nd baby 5 months ago and I'm finally ready for a change. Unfortunately after having my baby I stayed with my bad habits that I had during pregnancy. :s

Any way any mom's or anyone ready to make a change and needs encouragement add me. Let's go on a journey together. :)

Weight prior to getting pregnant with my first child 190. Gained 60lbs during pregnancy. Then after birth i was 210.
My weight after my 2nd pregnancy 260 again.

CW is 231.
GW 180.
Height 5'6


  • kalosflores
    kalosflores Posts: 5 Member
    My little girl is almost 9 months and I'm still trying to shed the baby weight!

    I've been watching my diet (when I remember) and going on walks and gym when I have the time. I definitely need encouragement !

    We can do it.
  • gzelle21
    gzelle21 Posts: 7 Member
    My little girl is almost 9 months and I'm still trying to shed the baby weight!

    I've been watching my diet (when I remember) and going on walks and gym when I have the time. I definitely need encouragement !

    We can do it.

    Yes. I'm constantly having to remind myself it took 9 months for your body to prepare for the baby and should give your body at least 9 months to get somewhat back to order.
    Ugh lord knows just finding that time for yourself is hard but we sure can do it B)
  • zarawoo
    zarawoo Posts: 1 Member
    Hi guys I'm currently 37 weeks pregnant
    Weight before pregnancy:190lbs
    Current weight : 226lbs
    Gained 10 lbs between week 34&36 :(
    Trying my best not to gain more.
    Looking for motivation & support
  • beelinx
    beelinx Posts: 5 Member
    I am now paying for my pregnancy weight gain. I managed to lose 40 pounds already. I seem to be stuck at this number though. I still have 20 to go. I just started using MFP last month after I received a Fitbit for Christmas, hopefully being here will help me shed those last 20 pounds.
  • raelou82
    raelou82 Posts: 12 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi everyone. My names Rachael & I need to lose 62lbs. I put a lot of weight on after I had my 1st child nearly 6 years ago & then even more after I had my twins 2 1/2 years ago. I've managed to lose 1 stone so far but I do struggle to stay motivated & also find the energy to exercise. All support & motivation welcome.

    Weight before my 1st pregnancy: 133lbs
    Current Weight:195lbs :(
  • 4BabiesStrong
    4BabiesStrong Posts: 5 Member
    raelou82 wrote: »
    Hi everyone. My names Rachael & I need to lose 62lbs. I put a lot of weight on after I had my 1st child nearly 6 years ago & then even more after I had my twins 2 1/2 years ago. I've managed to lose 1 stone so far but I do struggle to stay motivated & also find the energy to exercise. All support & motivation welcome.

    Weight before my 1st pregnancy: 133lbs
    Current Weight:195lbs :(

    Hello there, I am about to be 45yo (2-21), Married-Army-Deployed-Mom of 4, 10 & 4 yr old sons and 2 1/2 yr old twin girls. I am looking for support on my journey to lose 50 lbs. I am down about 15, started at 200. Nice to meet you.
  • MarvinsFitLife
    MarvinsFitLife Posts: 874 Member
    You came to the right app all you need to do is schedule a workout and meal plan and avoid all fast food and limit your process food to a 10% intake that's like the food you really can't get around such as healthy snacks that comes in a package or wrapper