Ladies Over 40 Holla at me PLEASE

tracbaldwin Posts: 13 Member
edited 12:08AM in Introduce Yourself

I have been using MFP for about two weeks now and it has been an eye opener when your honest with yourself. BUT, I cannot even begin to understand what my body is doing! I just turned 41 and I swear from the moment my 40th birthday hit, by body flipped a switch without MY approval! To lose 5lbs is like trying to push a 1 ton truck by myself. I don't even understand what is happening. I'm frustrated, especially when I work out more now than I ever have in my life and the cellulite shows its face faster than the muscle:laugh: . I have just signed up for 16 weeks with a personal trainer to try and get into the groove of what my body will respond to, but even more enlightening is how my body is during that "time" of the month. Again, made the switch without letting me know. Now I question, who am I and how long will it take to figure out what my body wants!!!

SO, any ladies out there that can share their experiences or words of wisdom on what has worked for them during this third quarter of our life, I welcome. I'm going to keep pushing and be FIT and 40, so please join my ban wagon and lets kick 40 around!



  • skinnymeinaz
    skinnymeinaz Posts: 384 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP!!! I can't tell you what will work for you but for me logging my food has been a real eye opener!!! My only complaint about being older is that it is taking longer to get the weight off then when I was younger. (My bad for not keeping it off). So only pointers is have a personal trainer ~ make him work for his money ;) , log your calories, and having supportive pals!!! Add me if you need a pal
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Hi & welcome!!

    I'm another one determined to get back to fit and toned...not that easy at 42, I WILL get there:bigsmile:
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    I hear you!! I turned 40 in April, and while I am working out better and harder than any other time in my life, the process of the scale moving down is SLOW! I keep telling myself it just means it will stay off, but boy, who knew 40 would be so tough!! Good luck to you!
  • ladyjade68
    ladyjade68 Posts: 56
    Hi - I'm 43 - all of my older cousins told me to lose weight before I turned 40. Wish I would have listened to them! I'm a firm believer in accountability! You will really watch what you eat, and how you exercise if you are accountable to someone! I totally agree with "skinnymeinaz." I decided that I will continue with MFP even when I reach my weight goal!
    Good luck, and feel free to add me too!
    40 is NOT the new 20, it's better!!
  • eamconnor
    eamconnor Posts: 130 Member
    Your post is an opportunity for me to share my favorite weight-loss aphorism...losing weight after 40 is like moving cement. And it is. One thing that's different over 40 is that rest, yes rest, is important. Ask your trainer about rest intervals after hard workouts, and follow his/her advice.
  • fmbarbuto
    fmbarbuto Posts: 131 Member
    Holla!!!!!! I'll be 41 in a few days and you are so right about that flipped switch! I'd be happy to join you on your journey to healthy! Friend me if you'd like!

    Good luck with your trainer!! :flowerforyou:
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Hi, I just turned 42, and weight lose has become a pain in the *kitten*! The only thing that I found to work for me was a low carb diet. Now this is a hot topic on here, but this is what I did and it has worked for me. As an example last night I had a small portion of my hubby's rice a roni, this morning I'm bloated. I'm currently at 40% cards, wich isn't low, but lower than most, no white carbs at all. No white bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, it's hard at first but after the first week , it's very do-able. You can add me if you'd like.
  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    To be honest, MFP is the only thing that started working for me! I'd already been doing bootcamp and running for a year, and the weight wasn't budging. I have PCOS, and have gone through two pregnancies where I was over 200#. I vowed to take control of my life, and enter the 40's in the best shape of my life (tomorrow is my 40th!). I love reading these forums, and getting support and reading success stories.... so motivating for me! Cutting calories and portion size has been KEY! I still indulge, go over on calories occasionally, reward myself, have the foods I love, but am so much more mindful of everything I consume. Sometimes the scale doesn't budge, sometimes it goes up (hello, 4th of July weekend!), but then I shake things up, zig-zag calories, mess with my numbers, get back on the train and keep chugging forward. I am so much healthier than when I was in my 20's!!! Thanks for the post!
  • HisBeloved65
    HisBeloved65 Posts: 186
    Welcome to MFP! you will love it here.
  • tracbaldwin
    tracbaldwin Posts: 13 Member
  • tracbaldwin
    tracbaldwin Posts: 13 Member
    It's funny you say rest, I was never a napper, but this past year they are another thing I have to try and factor into my day! THANKS!
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    You sound EXACTLY like I did 4 years ago. Not just weight and fitness, but EVERYTHING changed. My hair, skin, and nails went dry and brittle. My period went from a minor inconvenience to a debilitating hell-week. Aches, pains, soreness, and bruises from any little thing! It was like aliens stole my real body and gave me this wreck with too many miles on it!

    I'm not really complaining about getting older. I was prepared for this to happen. I just didn't expect it to be so SUDDEN!

    There is good news, tho. It isn't as easy to lose weight or gain muscle as when we were in our teens and twenties. That's GOOD because it will mean more to us and we will strive harder to maintain our successes. We took too much for granted. I guess this is where the wisdom part of getting older really begins, huh?
  • jacksamjack
    jacksamjack Posts: 146 Member
    Don't give up!! You will get there - this website is fabulous, it really works and the members are just the best. I have found it really easy to stick to my calories - I am now on day 37 and I am amazed!! It is definitely harder to lose the weight now (I am 42) but if Dawn French can do it so can we!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • I am 49, so I can relate for almost 10 years now! I have this "last 10 lbs" that will NOT move using the old tricks I used to know, hence my joining MFP.

    Just some input: one thing that became absolutely taboo in my home has been any food that has the level of processing that stuff like rice-a-roni does. The food preservatives and sodium in those products is a real diet killer! If I eat anything like that these days, even with my extra weight, I blow up like a puffer-fish. Instead, I have to make homemade wild rice pilaf, or mac and cheese from scratch - my husband, who is a normal, trim weight, even says that he can "taste the chemicals" in processed foods now, and that he feels so much better since we moved away from those types of foods.

    We also never use table salt - only sea salt.....

    I really think it's important for us to consider moving away from processed anything! I even make my own salad dressings, which actually save a lot of calories in the end - even my ranch dressing recipe!!

    As far as time, if you think "outside the box" there are lots of foods that are natural and easy to prepare....the internet is a blessing for that....
  • tracbaldwin
    tracbaldwin Posts: 13 Member
    HA HA, wisdom. Yes, or I could have really listened to my mother all these years (no matter the age I don't think we ever do) and believed her when she said "this will happen to you"
  • tracbaldwin
    tracbaldwin Posts: 13 Member
    Would you share your ranch dressing recipe? We have a plethera of food allergies in our home, corn and soy being the major ones and unless I drive 20 minutes to the nearest Whole Foods, I cannot get salad dressings. Oil and Vinegar just gets old. Thanks!
  • DRJJ2004
    DRJJ2004 Posts: 186 Member
    I hear ya..right there with ya. I'm 42 and my body has totally turned on me! We're here to get fit together. Love to have you as a buddy and fight this fight together.

  • jojopel
    jojopel Posts: 348 Member
    I'm 47 and MFP has been an eye opener! I'm losing slooooowly, but it's coming off.:smile: Feel free to add me.
  • Maybe we need a little group for "over 40's" !!!!

    My ranch recipe and some others are on my blog page : -- this is not an ad, just an easy place to see the recipe -- there is also a classic vinagerette recipe that is outstanding!

    Is there an "over 40s" support thread? I, too, need encouragement as well as any tips to help with that dry skin thing as well. I don't like to use petroleum based lotions, so any advice is welcome!!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Maybe we need a little group for "over 40's" !!!!

    My ranch recipe and some others are on my blog page : -- this is not an ad, just an easy place to see the recipe -- there is also a classic vinagerette recipe that is outstanding!

    Is there an "over 40s" support thread? I, too, need encouragement as well as any tips to help with that dry skin thing as well. I don't like to use petroleum based lotions, so any advice is welcome!!
    There was a 40's thread, if I can find it i'll bump it.
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