I'm new to this help please

I am 41 yrs old I need to lose about 30lbs. I have been tracking meals now for 28 days straight. Just started exercise ( walking a week ago) but question is.... my calorie on her is 1430 each day and like today I hade 3 meals and a snack and walked 3.3 miles and my calor counter says I still have over 800 calories left for today?? Is that good or no? Am I eating enough?


  • mpontorno
    mpontorno Posts: 10 Member
    Your calorie counter is likely allowing you extra calories because of the calories you burned while walking. If I remember correctly there is a setting you can change if you do not want it to count (add) those calories. That way you know you are being consistent with the calories you have eaten and the extra you burn during exercise are just logged under exercise not contributed to your daily allowance. Does that make sense? It's kind of hard to explain!
  • Tonya5035
    Tonya5035 Posts: 3 Member
    Yes it does but out of the 1430 I have only eaten 638 calories and still have 867 and that is with the exercise added. But I have drank plenty of water and have not felt hungry! But I think that is my problem 638 calories doesn't seem like a lot? So I should be losing weight. I don't think I'm eating enough but I try not to eat if I'm not hungry
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Eat what MFP tells you for calories. Peanut butter and avocado are calorie dense and nutritious. Eat back part or all of your exercise calories when you're still hungry. It's just that simple.
  • p_penny1
    p_penny1 Posts: 2 Member
    If I understand correctly you are calculating 1400 calories a day but you add your workouts which increases the number of calories you take in. If you're goal is calorie deficit don't add workouts and make sure you're only taking in the amount of calories you've scheduled. If you're not dropping weight it's perhaps you've adjusted because of your workouts which is putting you at a maintenance level of calories. One of the best ways to adjust calories or macros is to eat what you normally eat and document that in MFP. Weigh yourself at the beginning and at the end of 7 days. If you've maintained your weight divide by 7 and that's your maintenance dose of calories per day. If you want to cut weight deduct 150-200 calories.
    Another really great way to cut is too carb cycle between high, low and moderate carbs. On non-workout days go low carb. On days where the workouts are high volume or endurance heavy take in high carbs. The other days do moderate carbs.
    Ex. 120 protein 200 carbs 50 fats
    120 protein 100 carbs 50 fats
    120 protein 50 carbs 50 fats
    It makes it super simple to only have to adjust carbs and not protein and fats also. Not knowing your weight and activity level I wouldn't know what to start you out at as far as calories and macros go.
    Also do you do weight style training or cardio based training the most? Is your goal fat loss and lean muscle gain?
    Give it a try I think you'll like the results.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Tonya5035 wrote: »
    Yes it does but out of the 1430 I have only eaten 638 calories and still have 867 and that is with the exercise added. But I have drank plenty of water and have not felt hungry! But I think that is my problem 638 calories doesn't seem like a lot? So I should be losing weight. I don't think I'm eating enough but I try not to eat if I'm not hungry

    If you're logging everything accurately, you definitely need to eat more. 1430 is the net goal you should be hitting, after exercise (though since you only have about 65 calories added in, that isn't a big deal). One day here or there of undereating isn't a big deal, but it can do serious damage to your body if it happens often.

    @mpontorno that setting is only available to Premium users, as the way MFP is set up you eat your exercise calories back.
  • omakase619
    omakase619 Posts: 226 Member
    Yeah when I need to fill up my calories when I'm not hungry, I just eat a handful of nuts (high in calories high in good fats to increase your HDL) until mfp lets me close my diary.
  • Tonya5035
    Tonya5035 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you all for your responses this is very helpful! I'm going to follow for the week and see how it goes! Will update.