Does anyone out there know why I can't lose!! I eat right, I work out...I can tell things are toned up, but the scale doesn't budge!!! This has been going on for over a year!! Are there certain foods I shouldn't eat? I have my blood drawn and meds checked every 8 weeks. Help!!!


  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    You need to be diligent in posting to your diary.

    Nobody can give you an answer if they can't see what you are eating or exercising.

    You need to know exactly what your calorie needs are. You can't determine that without an accurate diary.
  • whitney22blue
    I too have hypothyroidism, just be patient, make sure your have your thryoid function done regularly, there are certain foods like broccolli you shouldnt eat, try sticking to lower GI, and listen to your body, I know when my thyroid is playing up, as I get very tired, sleep alot, have trouble with going to the loo and put on weight, then i go back down to the docs and moan. I always take vitamins, I used to take ginseng but dont need it at the mo, the B vitamins are vital as are calcium and magnesium.
    But it can be done, my mum has lost 2 stone and have a very bad thyroid.:noway:
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    And what meds are you taking? With people that have hypothyroidism, in many cases, the meds are what stalls the weight loss.

    In general, you will have to increase your vitamin A (do NOT take a supplement), you vitamin D (do NOT take a supplement) and your B vitamins to restimulate the thyroid to start producing thyroxin naturally.
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    Are you SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You dont log your food???????

    Dont waste my time!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • erzsebet_1560
    Ummm...maybe it's the wendy's cheesburgers fries and a 300 calories dr.pepper...just a guess
  • leonardk09
    leonardk09 Posts: 86 Member
    Yeah, definitely log your food so we can help you.

    I have Hypothyroidism, and I lost weight even when I was off of my levothyroxine. I just recently got put back on it, and I'm still losing weight. The medication doesn't have anything chemically wrong with it that would make you gain weight... it just makes you hungrier at times. It's all up to you how you eat, and how you fight the hunger. I'm not really all that hungry, because I eat a lot of protein in the morning. It is possible to lose weight. It just takes a slower allotment of time.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Ummm...maybe it's the wendy's cheesburgers fries and a 300 calories dr.pepper...just a guess

    Yeah I saw that too. If that's what you are eating you'll never lose.
  • seto2112
    seto2112 Posts: 3
    In my case-just starting the meds took me from 187 to 147..well that and I like to walk and hike.anyway.
  • fabulousfebe
    fabulousfebe Posts: 204
    I have hypothyroidism...and what I have done is "trick" my body...by lowering my calorie intake. For instance, MFP has my daily cals at 1640 and I've reduced my cals to 1200...I've dropped about 8 lbs in 3 weeks doing that and of course keep the metabolism charged by exercisine. Maybe that will help. Best wishes! :smile:
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    Does anyone out there know why I can't lose!! I eat right, I work out...I can tell things are toned up, but the scale doesn't budge!!! This has been going on for over a year!! Are there certain foods I shouldn't eat? I have my blood drawn and meds checked every 8 weeks. Help!!!

    *giggle* You're pretty. So pretty.
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    from what i see of your diary A) you arent eating enough calories B) You arent eating the right kind of calories [ beer, Dr. pepper and wendy's is not goint to help anyone get a flat stomach]
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Ummm...maybe it's the wendy's cheesburgers fries and a 300 calories dr.pepper...just a guess

    Yes, saw that too. Looking through what little you have posted in your diary shows what's going on. You aren't eating the right foods and drinking a lot of your calories. I have a low thyroid and have lost 84 pounds since January. I'm on meds, I have my thyroid checked regularly. I don't think the cause is your thyroid but more of what you're putting in your body.
  • leonardk09
    leonardk09 Posts: 86 Member
    I have hypothyroidism...and what I have done is "trick" my body...by lowering my calorie intake. For instance, MFP has my daily cals at 1640 and I've reduced my cals to 1200...I've dropped about 8 lbs in 3 weeks doing that and of course keep the metabolism charged by exercisine. Maybe that will help. Best wishes! :smile:

    Mhm, DEFINITELY a good idea. I do the same pretty often. I also zig zag my calories some weeks... and for some reason, I am super sensitive to sodium/water weight. Be careful with sodium. That's a given for anyone though.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Does anyone out there know why I can't lose!! I eat right, I work out...I can tell things are toned up, but the scale doesn't budge!!! This has been going on for over a year!! Are there certain foods I shouldn't eat? I have my blood drawn and meds checked every 8 weeks. Help!!!

    It will be more of a struggle for you BUT you need to clean your eating up and probably worrkout harder to loose. No POP! Diet or regular. Eat TONS OF VEGGIES some fruit(2 pieces a day) Lean proteins, whole grains. Eating every 2-3 hours. Eat with in an hour of waking up DONT WAIT! It is possible and to many people blame the diease. Yes that can make it harder BUT Not impossible. Clean your eating up and workout to instenisty and the weight should come OFF :-)
  • prettyash76
    prettyash76 Posts: 117
    I am on meds for my thyroid and i am able to lose weight. Just keep your journal and exercise
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    You need to start logging, i'm terrible about asking myself why I don't lose weight, when in reality i'm not eating the best foods.

    Maybe you are logging offline? You can lose weight while eating any types of foods, not in excess, but it would be faster if you cut certain foods out as much as possible.

    Once you've been logging consistently, every day for 4-6 weeks (eating better) and haven't lost weight, then I would ask the doctor if they could help.
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    The hypothyroidism makes it much easier for you to put on weight, and it makes it twice as hard for you to work it off. Fast food is not going to help you. Eat better and work out harder.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Carb Cycling and Intermittent Fasting work wonders for thyroid issues. Like a poster above said, it also has alot to do with your meds.

    Go high and low in carbs EOD for Carb Cycling, or do a intermittent fast, and don't eat for 16 hours out of a 24 hour period and then have an 8 hour feeding window. It takes a little getting used to.

    Of course you are doing this WHILE you are LOGGING your foods, and keeping at a 500-1000 calorie deficit under your maintenance.
  • sadie928
    sadie928 Posts: 4 Member
    I have hypothyroidism too, and it's absolutely critical to be on the right meds and have a doctor do your blood work regularly because the thyroid function changes and often times your meds have to be adjusted. But it is also critical to log your food intake to monitor your calorie, fat, protein, sugar, etc intake. Things like the wendy's cheeseburger and fries are loaded with fat, bad carbs and sodium and won't benefit your body. When I crave something like that I subsitute healthier versions, for example I'll have a Jennie-O Turkey Burger on an Arnold's whole grain sandwich thin and a slice of fat free cheese, a slice of tomato and some pickles, and I skip the fries completely. If I REALLY want fries I'll make baked sweet potato fries.
  • jmcholden
    jmcholden Posts: 20 Member
    I also have hypo-thyroidism; I have for 10 years. There are various opinions about what level is normal, and at what level people feel good.

    You need to know your TSH level, not just "normal". Get the the number and write it down, and write down how you feel at that number. Do that each time you get results. Keep a log, and communicate with your doctor. They may increase your medication, and help you get to a level where you feel good, and where your body responds to your weight loss efforts.

    My TSH needs to be quite low for me to feel good. I need to be at 2 or lower. Some people are fine at 5. And sometimes the lab will say you are in normal range at even higher numbers. Everyone is different, and that's what makes treating hypothyroidism a bit complicated.

    Good communication with your doctor, taking your medicine VERY regularly (on an empty stomach), and logging your food are all extremely important to your success.