My first weigh in 285 need new fitnesspals add me

Today is the day i start and stay on track regardless, im 29 will be 30 in june, 5'5" and weigh 285. Today is day 3 no cokes altho i have been drinking sprite bc i have a stomach bug! Need fitness pals around my weight wpuld be great or if you was my weight and lost some that will help motivate me. Setting small goal for myself to lose 5 lbs by Valentines day.


  • MNFitnessGal
    MNFitnessGal Posts: 36 Member
    You can do this! What I told myself that helped is that it won't happen overnight. I wanted to lose 50. I'm down 6 but it was hard work. The pop is a big thing. If I drink one sugar pop a day I can gain 1-2 lbs a wk, so giving it up will really help you, congrats. I got used to Diet pop. Another thing that may help is to give up one bad food item like a candy bar and instead grab a protein bar. Walmart has an aisle full of individual bars that you can try one at a time. Not all are great, I like Aitkins bars. I finally got to a point where i gave up candy bars 100% (that was HUGE) and now don't even crave sugar (never thought that would happen, yay!). You made the first step by starting, that's 1/2 the battle. Exercise gives results but it can take time to get it, don't give up too soon.

    I'm looking for friends who motivate me and vice versa, not just those who will 'like' a comment, if that sounds like something you want too, send me a friend request. :smile:
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    I started at 229lbs and lost 50lbs with this site and a food scale. I stopped tracking, life was crazy and I regained 30lbs back so I'm here again. :smile:

    Best thing you can do for this is to get and use a food scale. Weigh every single thing you eat. (Liquids have to be measured, but everything else can be weighed) It's crazy how off even prepackaged items can be and how they can sneak extra calories in that we don't realize. I drink my weight in Dt Dr Pepper (not literally, but a lot of it) and it's never hindered my weight loss. Try a few different diet sodas to see if you can find one you like. Sprite Zero is good, as is Diet Sunkist if you want a light colored drink. Crystal Light mixes are amazing and come in so many flavors, all for no calories. That's one place I completely cut calories. I do not drink them. If I go to a restaurant and they only have diet Pepsi (which I hate), then I just get water. More foodz :smiley:

    You can do this! Sending a friend request.
  • browneyedgirl749
    browneyedgirl749 Posts: 4,984 Member
    I sent you a request. :smile:
  • Nikki91p
    Nikki91p Posts: 14 Member
    Small goals are the way to go! You can do it with the no soda! One time I set a small goal of no soda for a month, which turned out to be almost 2 years since I picked one up again (I plan to also do the same again for at least a month) ;) I'll add you! As well as anyone who sees this feel free to add me! I need some motivation also with my weight loss!