Losing weight to feel good about myself

Hello! I have been a member, but not an active one....I feel now is the time to become committed about my weight loss I have a 5 and 1yr(girls) and I want to be able to run through the park, not be insecure about going to the pool, etc etc...I work full time and by the time I get home and cook dinner I am exhausted! I have the will power, but I am not motivated...I'm what ppl would call an emotional eater and it is something that is hard to quit. Any advise about ways to jump start my weight loss or any encouraging words are welcome! Please add me if interested!


  • vanharm
    vanharm Posts: 5
    Hey, sounds familiar (feel good about myself)... just joined today. i see you have yr hands full! my word. i have 3x smalish boys & also work full time. i am SO an emotional eater too. esp when i'm bored, but also sad, frustrated, angry, even happy!
    good luck girl. you can do it!
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    You just need to set your mind to it and do it! What I did when I began was I scheduled workout time on my calendar like I do appointments. For me if it was on the calendar then it had to be done! I work full time as well. I have a home daycare and a busy schedule. At first I only worked out at night for 30-45 minutes. Now I am getting up in the a.m. early to workout for 30-45 minutes and getting another 30 or so minutes in at night. It takes about 3 months to develope a routine, so if you come up with something that you can stick with for 3 months, it will be easier. Start off small and add on when you feel ready. I enjoy working out so it isn't too bad for me. I view it as me time after a day full of kids at te house. I also go to Xumba 1-2 times a week. If I had to drive home I might get to classes more though....
    I had my times of excuses and finally I had enough and just wanted to do it and so I did and continue to do!!!! It is possible, really!!!!!!
  • Grace139
    Grace139 Posts: 12
    Welcome! I know how hard it is when you have kids. I have three of my own, ages 8, 6 and 3. I do think it is even more important to take care of yourself when you have little ones. It helps my confidence, mood, and self-esteem, and is a good example for those ever-watching eyes. I'll send a friend request!
  • linzmarie316
    Also an emotional eater! I have a 2 year old and 4 month old, both girls. Just started a few days ago...loving it so far. Good luck!!
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    Start with baby steps. Make one small change - like drinking more water or walking around the block every day - until it becomes a habit, then make another and another. You'll be doing it before you know it. You've already done the best thing -- You joined MFP! This is a great site and it (and my wonderful MFP friends) has helped me to get 1/2 way to goal so far. Welcome aboard!!
  • jcaa2011
    jcaa2011 Posts: 34 Member
    I have two kids that are 5 and 1 as well (a girl and boy) and am also a single mom working full time. It is extremely hard, I posted a topic yesterday about my struggle between working out and getting the rest I need....just seems there isn't enough time in a day to get both in! I am trying to rework my daily routine a little bit in order to find even a 30 minute window for me to exercise. I've been doing 30 day shred with Jillian Michaels and also got her 6 week 6 pack DVD to try. 30 day shred is about a 20 min workout and the other one is about 30 min so I they will both fit into the short time frame I have to work with.
  • jen_s_perez
    You sound exactly like me when I started this.... I had a hard time finding time to work out even though I have a bowflex in my house. Now I have joined Snap Fitness and make time to go to workout at least 30 min (5 or more days a week) before work. I have also been weening myself off of diet pop and drinking a lot more water and feel better than I ever did! Good luck to you in your weight loss journey - we are all out there to improve our appearance - but mostly our lives and health!!!!
  • raspatrod
    raspatrod Posts: 2
    Thank you all for your positive feedback! :wink: