Find your weight loss twin!



  • KusiQuyllur2015
    KusiQuyllur2015 Posts: 35 Member

    Workout- 5 x week (cardio), mostly jogging.

    Fun fact: Mom to 5 kids! Trying to lose this baby weight. My youngest is 7 months. Lost all the baby weight right before getting pregnant with #5
  • Carlissa3332
    Carlissa3332 Posts: 9 Member
    About me:

    HW: 275 lbs
    CW: 269 lbs
    STG: 199 lbs (onederlanddd)
    LTG: 160 lbs
    Height: 5"5
    Age: 29

    Exercise preference: walking, zumba, kickboxing
    Exercise goal: going on long hikes and not feeling like i'm going to die! :)
    Diet: omnivore
    Fun facts: love cooking, photography, and the bachelor/bacherlorette (it's so terrible, but so good!)

    I think we are almost twins

    CW: 268
    STG: 200
    LTG: 170
    Height: 5"6
    Age: 36

    Exercise preference: I like walking and kickboxing.

    Exercise Goal: I'm just starting my weight loss journey after being away from MFP for several years. Would like to start working out consistently 4-5 times a week and start attending kickboxing classes again.
  • peanutbuttertuesday
    peanutbuttertuesday Posts: 192 Member
    sw: 235
    cw: 226.8

    stg: just get under 200!
    ltg: 160, but I might go for 150 once I get there

    height: 5'10"
    age: 29

    Married mom of 1, I gained 80 pounds during pregnancy and only kept off about 14! I want to get under my pre-pregnancy weight of 167. I used to be really into health and fitness almost 7 years ago and got down to 155. I want that body back!

    I love pilates and have started trying more yoga. I love dance aerobics when my knees will let me. When the weather is better I love hill walking in the local graveyard. It is peaceful with an awesome hilly path. I like to work my butt.
  • teamstanish
    teamstanish Posts: 274 Member

    About me:

    HW: 220 (Pregnant in 2012)
    CW: 132lbs
    STG: 125lbs
    Height: 5'9
    Age: 27

    Exercise preference: Basically everything, I workout 6 times per week. I love weight lifting, spin, yoga, kickboxing, and running.
    Exercise goal: Reduce body fat, increase muscle, and kick booty.
    Diet: omnivore
    Fun facts: I work full-time, I have an almost 5 year old daughter, I'm addicted to coffee, and I'm a Libra.
  • UltimateTrashBae
    UltimateTrashBae Posts: 175 Member
    I currently weigh 152-ish lbs.
    My goal weight is 135 (for now).
    I'm 24 yo and 5'3".
  • Runwithit24
    Runwithit24 Posts: 9 Member
    SW: 130
    CW: 127.6
    GW: 115'ish (not sure yet)
    42 yo
    Exercise: I do Zumba 3 x's a week, walk daily, do cross training once or twice a week and run on the weekends
    Diet: I was doing WW for a long time but it is no longer working. I'm slowly working on upping my calorie intake because I've been stuck in the same general area for a long time. I eat about 80% clean. Gotta live a little.

    Feel free to add me!
  • annmarie0717
    annmarie0717 Posts: 6 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi, about me:
    HW: 143
    CW: 139
    STG: 135
    LTG: 130
    Height: 5'7"
    Age: 34

    Exercise: I'm a distance runner - mostly half marathons but want to do my first marathon this fall. Trying to strength train more often.
    Trying to get my post run eating under control! Those miles make me very hungry!
    Any runners with similar goals?
  • Accccounts8355
    Accccounts8355 Posts: 2 Member
    SW: 220
    CW: 174
    STG: 160
    LTG: 150
    Height: 5'7" (Female)
    Age: 18

    Exercise: Currently switching over from sprints to long distance runs. I would like to be able to run a 10K or more by the end of the year. Right now my mile time is around 8 minutes. Elliptical and weight lifting are two staples.
    Diet: Balanced meals that are low carb. No calorie counting. Just mindful eating.
    Fun facts: College kid, LOVE to weight lift, love to bake and want to try yoga!
  • Coltsforlife84
    Coltsforlife84 Posts: 33 Member
    I weigh 227 i want to get to 210 .
  • kittlezkatz
    kittlezkatz Posts: 8 Member
    edited January 2017

    Fun facts: I'm a board gamer, have a collection of over 500 games! I love to be outdoors, my favourite park I have explored thus far is Gros Mourne in Newfoundland. Learning how to cook has changed my life, it is the foundation to my weight loss. Right now I am exploring a lot of Asian food, but also love to cook Indian and Mexican dishes. Feel free to add me as a friend, I'm looking for support to keep up my weight loss goals!
  • LillysMomma09
    LillysMomma09 Posts: 272 Member
    rhaiin wrote: »
    About me:

    HW: 223 lbs
    CW: 214 lbs
    STG: 200 lbs
    LTG: 160 lbs
    Height: 5"5
    Age: 24

    Exercise preference: Trying to get back into walking
    Exercise goal: Be able to do a Color Run/Walk
    Diet: Anything, but watching calories
    Fun facts: I love Anime, Comics and Reading. I'm a Computer Technician.

    We're almost twins!
    SW: 223lbs
    CW: 184lbs
    STG: 175lbs
    LTG: no clue
    Height: 5'5
    Age: 35

    Exercise preference: walking daily, indoor bike or elliptical on weekends.
    Exercise goal: to do a 5K without getting a migraine due to being overheated.
    Diet: MFP, calorie counting
    Fun Facts: Love board game time with my daughter and husband.
  • MrsDan1667
    MrsDan1667 Posts: 76 Member
    SW: 140
    CW: 135
    STG: 120 by June 1
    LTG: 110 by Dec 31
    (but 105 would be nice too)
    Height: 5'1
    Age: 32

    Exercise preference: walking or elliptical
    Exercise goal: currently to do every other day. I need to be realistic about my end goal maintaining and I know I won't do more than that after goal
    Diet: MFP, calorie counting, trying to eat clean 80%
    Fun Facts: Cancer, Introvert, WAHM
  • postchrysalis
    postchrysalis Posts: 88 Member
    HW: 325 lbs
    CW: 289 lbs
    STG: 250 lbs
    LTG: 150 lbs
    Height: 5'8.5
    Age: 25

    Exercise preference: walking, elliptical
    Exercise goal: c25k, weight lifting, swimming
    Diet: omnivore, 80/20
    Fun facts: Scorpio, single, major geek (i.e., multifandom, anime/manga, etc), karaoke fiend.
  • jessiebethin
    jessiebethin Posts: 30 Member

    About me:

    HW: 156
    CW: 155
    STG: 130 by June 1
    LTG: 115 by Dec 31
    Height: 5"4
    Age: 38

    Exercise preference: walking, body resistance, workout videos
    Diet: low-sugar and currently staying at 1200 cals per day plus workout cals
    Fun facts: I have 8 chickens and will be getting dairy goats soon, I'm definitely a country girl.
  • IsabelleKnox
    IsabelleKnox Posts: 9 Member
    About me:

    HW: 150 lbs
    CW: 148 lbs
    STG: 132 lbs
    LTG: 120 lbs
    Height: 5'0
    Age: 42

    Exercise preference: walking
    Diet: omnivore
    Fun facts: Leo, Cat Mom, married for 13 years, no kids.
  • Haniejane89
    Haniejane89 Posts: 22 Member
    edited January 2017
    About me
    Start date: 1st August 2016
    HW: 368 lbs
    CW: 260 lbs
    GW: 160 lbs
    Goal date: 1st August 2017

    Exercise phobe... but would like to try to get into exercising.

    Fun facts... Dread head, vegan, parent of one... Slave to 9 guinea pigs and 5 house rabbits :p
  • LunaRaven22
    LunaRaven22 Posts: 22 Member
    HW: 325 lbs
    CW: 289 lbs
    STG: 250 lbs
    LTG: 150 lbs
    Height: 5'8.5
    Age: 25

    Exercise preference: walking, elliptical
    Exercise goal: c25k, weight lifting, swimming
    Diet: omnivore, 80/20
    Fun facts: Scorpio, single, major geek (i.e., multifandom, anime/manga, etc), karaoke fiend.

    Same height and GW here :)
  • LunaRaven22
    LunaRaven22 Posts: 22 Member
    CW: 192
    GW: 150
    Height: 5'8.5"

    Exercise: love walking and started a body strength class a month ago and loving it

    Cat lady and massive Supernatural fan!
  • suwala2t
    suwala2t Posts: 16 Member
    HW: 205 lbs
    CW: 197 lbs
    GW: 165 lbs
    Height: 5'10
    Age: 27

    Exercise: Usually 6-9 hours of Ukrainian Dancing Practice (Usually includes some ballet barre), 1 hour 15 minutes per week of ballroom dancing.