Looking for open diary and supportive friends!

Hi! I'm looking for open diary supportive friends to get different food ideas. Thanks!


  • sophiedavies13
    sophiedavies13 Posts: 1 Member
    Hiya, I'm sort of new to this, I've been signed up for a while but this time actually want to stick at food goals so this would be really helpful for me as well. I think I'm generally pretty healthy, but I eat too many sweets basically and drink too much. I have a few go-to recipes that I eat basically the whole time especially for lunch, and my breakfast is the same basically every day.
  • turtlesmith12345
    turtlesmith12345 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm just starting again to. I've done years and years of up and down on my weight till I finally found something that's works. I'm the type of person who needs encouragement also, my who life I've been discouraged. I'm tired of people telling me I can't or not to I'm doing this my way with all the knowledge I've learned threw the years. I do intermittent fasting and it's amazing I will not fail this time. I would like to talk to others about this if interested.
  • shealo
    shealo Posts: 12 Member
    Add me and we can help motivate each other & get bew neal ideas. I need more people with open good logs so I can mix up my meals.... getting a bit bored if tge same old food