Trying to get out of the 300 Club

I've been away from MFP for about 3 years. I had been doing really good for a while, then as they say "life happened" and I fell back into old habits. Now, I'm at my heaviest which is 323lbs. I feel like crap. I have no energy. My scrubs don't fit right and it's getting to the point where if I don't do something about it I'm going to have to start special ordering my regular clothes. As it is I usually wear t-shirts from the men's department at Wal-Mart because they are the only thing long enough to cover my corpulence. I can't get on rides with my 8 year old when we go to an amusement park because I either exceed the weight limit or the safety bar won't fit over me. I've decided on a goal of about 100lbs to lose and right now I have no idea how to get there. I don't know what "diet" method will be best. I don't know if I should go to the weight loss clinic and get on the Phentermine. Vitamins? Protein powder? Exercising? It's all so overwhelming, and I almost want to give up before I even get started.


  • fluffycandyfloss
    fluffycandyfloss Posts: 21 Member
    One day at a time hun and there's no "quick fix" I'm a typical yoyoer and boy does it pee me off lol
  • KirstieMay1
    KirstieMay1 Posts: 2 Member
    First off, welcome back, and well done for making the decision to try again!

    I think first things first: start logging everything that goes into your mouth, so that you can understand what you need to do better. Once you know where you are, make a series of small changes over time. I was told once, that the weight I'd put on hadn't gone on over night, so why should I expect to lose it quickly? Making small changes one or two at a time and allowing them to become habits before you make any further changes is more sustainable in the long run. Perhaps spend some time looking at your portion sizes to understand what they should be against what you're eating, or figuring out what 100cals of chocolate looks like against 100cals of fruit so you can make more informed choices. Additionally, aim to be a bit more active this week than you were last week, and you'll be off to a flying start!

    I'd wish you luck, but you've got this so I'll wish you a good journey instead :smile:
  • yobigman
    yobigman Posts: 16 Member
    I once weighed 307 & lost 100 pounds. I joined Nutri- Systems. It helped me because I didn't trust myself to make good food choices at that point in my life. I put myself into their hands & ate what they gave me. I also started smoking cigarettes to curb my hunger. I was desperate, and desperate times call for desperate measures. Smoking really did help me lose weight, and I was able to quit when I reached my goal. Third, I started to gradually exercise. Walking really helped, and it was all I could manage at first. As the weight came off & I could handle more activity, I joined a gym & worked out on an elliptical trainer. Aerobics is a great way to burn calories. It's something I still rely on. Good luck! Lots of people have lost 100 pounds... there's no reason why you can't do it too!
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    I was a member of that club, in the deepest end of that club. The first thing I'd say is that you can't give up. What small, sustainable changes can you make? Drinking more water, eating more veggies? Eating cleaner? Walking 20-30 min a day a few times a week to start? Logging all of your food? A change or two a week can go a long way versus restricting yourself heavily and giving up. What activity do you love? Make that your workouts. The biggest thing is that having 100 lbs to lose is very overwhelming. What smaller chunks or milestones can you pursue? I have a list of numbers taped to my monitor with weight loss goals that had meaning to me-- .3, 10, 7.4, 2.6, 6.9, 1, 2.1, 7.4, 2.6, 10, 6.3, 3.7, 2.7, 7.3...etc... and I checked them off as I hit those goals. Those little numbers added up to the point where I am over 190 lbs down. Having to lose over 200 lbs is daunting...little chunks are not. As someone said above, lots of people have lost over 100 lbs. It's totally doable once you start making the changes and goals and stick to it. You CAN do it.
  • 3rdof7sisters
    3rdof7sisters Posts: 486 Member
    You can do this by just taking it one day at a time. Try not to look at the big picture, it can look insurmountable. Break it up into manageable amounts for yourself. Weigh, measure and log everything you eat and drink. A year from now, you will be so glad you started when you did! Read the success stories here, and take all the inspiration you can from others successes. Before you know it, you will be inspiring others! You can do this, and you WILL be on the amusement park rides with your son!