
LauraLove85 Posts: 17
edited September 30 in Success Stories
I have seen MANY posts/comments on MFP referring to -- as it was something I'd never heard of before, I checked out the site and am interested in looking into it further! However, first I'd like to know...

What kind of SUCCESS have you witnessed/felt/experienced/etc. with this "movement?"

Thanks, friends!! :happy:

:heart: Laura Love


  • TashaP2011
    TashaP2011 Posts: 142 Member
    I recently found this site too. I have added her workouts once or twice a week to what I was already doing and have been very happy with the results. I think her workouts are fun, they use your own bodyweight for a lot of the exercises, which makes it individually challenging. Also, if you put your max effort into them, they are really tough. Friend me if you want to start doing some and we can cheer eachother on.
  • ch178
    ch178 Posts: 364 Member
    I'm going to be starting these workouts right away, I love that site.
  • ch178
    ch178 Posts: 364 Member
    I'm going to be starting these workouts right away, I love that site.
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    Since I've started using it, my body is a milllion times more toned. I actually have been stopped at the gym by the "regulars" (you know, the people you see every day but have never talked to) just so they could compliment me on how fit I look!
  • pinkpxz
    pinkpxz Posts: 1
    Hi Laura! I stumbled across a few months ago, but felt skeptical because the instructor (Zuzana) was in such good shape and SHE was struggling during the workouts. Then, about two weeks ago, I decided "What can it hurt to try?". As I said, I've only been doing it for about two weeks... Prior to that I had been doing some jogging on the treadmill, as well as some light weigh lifting to tone. The treadmill began to bore me and I don't always have time to make it to the gym so this was a nice alternative that I could do in my own home. I have noticed that, just in the short time that I have been following Zuzana, that I have more energy, my muscles are more toned and, while my weight overall has not changed yet, the percentage of my weight which is fat has. I would definitely suggest it to others and have, actually. Hope this information is helpful to you! :happy:
  • tuskegee4
    tuskegee4 Posts: 110 Member
    Started in June and have seen bodyfat % drop from 23 to 19! Workouts are still TOUGH, real tough. Only equipment I have is timer and jump rope so I go back and do old workouts that only require this equipment. My times are still roughly double of hers, if she says it's a 12 minute workout for 3 rounds, it may take me 30. I recommend bodyrock to my friends and you. FYI: Someone told me on this site to save her workouts, tips, diet info. in word format then save to a flash drive or something. When I travel, I just pop in flash drive and workout.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I think on the site itself, there are success photos/stories there (I've seen it, not sure it will show everyday). Check out the right side of the page.

    You should definitely give a try
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    I am right now making a bookmark on this site. I want to try...
    NBKHYTS Posts: 11 Member
    i used to check this out alot.....mainly at my boyfriends request!!!
    i find it difficult to work out at home, i dont get as motivated as taking clases at the gym but her workouts are great for using body weight as resistance and educating youself if your stuck for routines.
  • nuviag
    nuviag Posts: 131 Member
  • laurenlivesfit
    laurenlivesfit Posts: 17 Member
    Just check out the site. Looks awesome! I do a women's boot camp and we do a lot of the exercises you see on that site. If you want to do something like that in a group setting with a trainer right there, I advise you find a boot camp in your area. they are amazing! Best decision I ever made.
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
  • thisismynewmindset
    thisismynewmindset Posts: 273 Member
    Bump - I was too scared to try BodyRock. Maybe I will think about it now!

    I am currently doing C25K, P90X, netting around 1,200 cals, and doing extra workouts (like Zumba or elliptical) when I can.

    I don't know if I have room for BodyRock, but MAN I would be in heaven if I looked like Zuzana!
  • Thank you all for your replies!! I definitely am going to start incorporating BodyRock work-outs into my routines. :flowerforyou:
  • fitmomma23
    fitmomma23 Posts: 94 Member
    Just did her Take Me Now Burpee challenge.....she makes it look so easy!!! I just about died in those 10 minutes!!! Whew!
  • cagirl2188
    cagirl2188 Posts: 9 Member
    Avid Bodyrocker here! i lost 13 lbs in under 2 months doing the workouts about 4 times a week. they are amazing. i've been doing them intermittently for about a year, but really went for it just recently. man, has it paid off! any other bodyrock lovers who responded are more than welcome to "friend" me. let's take over MFP, bodyrockers!!! :)
  • kristenanna
    kristenanna Posts: 33 Member
    LOVE this site. Found it a couple of months ago, think zuzana is amazing providing it to everyone :)
  • BerryFruit
    BerryFruit Posts: 57
    Iv been bodyrocking on and off for about 2 years but I have kicked it it a notch since my wedding is getting close. I have not got abs yet but I'm starting to see a change in my stomach. Everyone comments on my arms since starting

    Honest if your thinking about it just do it.. its free and if you don't like it its not like you have just paid out for a 6month membership or anything. Zuz showes variations for beginners and variations if your missing some of the equipment.

    How will you know if your gonna like it if you don't give it ago.. just do it! :-)
  • dids01
    dids01 Posts: 93 Member
    just checked it out and going to try to do a few this week. wish me luck
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I've been bodyrocking for about 6 months now and I absolutely love the workouts. I have probably 50 of them bookmarked on my browser and saved into Word documents. Sadly I've been neglecting Bodyrock for P90x a bit recently, but Bodyrock is my go-to workout when I travel and need a quick and intense workout. I do a lot of travel for business and I find her workouts are perfect for doing in hotel rooms. You don't need a lot of equipment (some of them are bodyweight only) or space and you can do them in the morning right after you wake up or at night before bed.
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