Ladies Over 40 Holla at me PLEASE



  • jadehound
    jadehound Posts: 3
    I am hitting 40 in Sept. I am new to the site, but really like the diet/exercise tracker. I love knowing how much exercise I have to do to meet my daily goal ... especially when I am tempted to cheat! Oooh, I can eat that cupcake but then I have to spend XX on the elipptical, etc. LOL!
  • loved11
    loved11 Posts: 92 Member
    First off good for you for taking your bodies needs seriously. I am a 44 yr old mom. I have trying to get in shape also. Whew did my body change right at 40: I am 9 lbs from my goal and it is crazy how I have to work I did find lots of water and lots of sleep I usually get 5-6 hrs but I try to get 7-8 a few days a week. Hubby does kids on sat and I sleep in. Cellulite is just a fact of life, but I don't want to be in a bikini either (teenage sons-not cool) I take fatburners it has totally Helped watch the fat and I have gotten awesome results. I am trying to be patient with the last bit but now I really want the muscles and I realize that the weight may not drop as I put the muscle on. Hope this helps hang in there
  • ornumc
    ornumc Posts: 23
    Yes please! Love the young 'uns on MFP but I'd love to 'talk' to other women my age... Sorely regret having let myself go, and as someone wrote everyone told me it'd be tough after the big 40.
    Maybe we need a little group for "over 40's" !!!!

    My ranch recipe and some others are on my blog page : -- this is not an ad, just an easy place to see the recipe -- there is also a classic vinagerette recipe that is outstanding!

    Is there an "over 40s" support thread? I, too, need encouragement as well as any tips to help with that dry skin thing as well. I don't like to use petroleum based lotions, so any advice is welcome!!
    There was a 40's thread, if I can find it i'll bump it.
  • Me too I'm 44 and it seems like one day of not eating perfectly sets me back a few weeks now. I've never been one to lose weight well but I always exercised a ton and maintained a decent weight. This year some surgery really set me back and within 6 months I realized I was up 15 or more pounds

    Not only did the weight loss get harder I have more negative effects from being hungry, headaches especially. No fun! I'm super excited to be starting theis plan, I'm wondering if I'll get my shape back . I've always had a really boyish figure, even when overweight. Now I found myself having to look for curvy fit. Strange!
  • tracbaldwin
    tracbaldwin Posts: 13 Member
    I am a huge football (Da Bears!) fan and I motto life after football. Currently us 40+ ladies are in third quarter in the game of life. This is it! What we do now will mold our fourth quarter and how our game will end. Will we win or lose? Third quarter for me is empty nesting, traveling with my husband enjoy hanging out with my kids, not "taking care" of my kids and exploring all those things in life we always say we have no time to do............can't do it being overweight or mentally unhappy.
  • bean177
    bean177 Posts: 75
    uh, yeah, same here. I visualize it like "shaving a block of ice with a razor" SLOW!!! I'm 48, and you CAN do it!!!! Being conscious of what you are eating is amazing for starters (how many calories in that tiny little cinnamon candy? holy cow, you're kidding)!!! B:happy:
  • tracbaldwin
    tracbaldwin Posts: 13 Member
    Ha, Ha.....that is great.
  • Sueboo31
    Sueboo31 Posts: 128
    Welcome! I turned 41 in May and I couldn't agree with you more. My body just stopped working the way it used to when I was younger. It's so much harder to get results now-a-days. Working out with a trainer should help you BIG time. My trainer is It has tons of workout 'how-to's' that I use for strength training. I do my legs and arms twice a week and let me tell you the weight training is what made a difference with my body. My celulite is disappearing. My butt is getting higher and taking a nice shape. I have definition in my arms and my thighs are thinning out. Having said all that, the scale doesn't move too quickly so I'm trying to be patient. I have learned it's not all about the scale. Good luck!
  • tracbaldwin
    tracbaldwin Posts: 13 Member
    That is what I'm coming to realize. My family says, you look like your losing weight (ha!) But I believe it is from all the strength training to try and build more muscle. Thanks for validating my thoughts!
  • Goal4Good
    Goal4Good Posts: 115
    It doesn't get any easier at 50 either!!!! But its not impossible. It takes more cardio workouts, more tracking your food intake and definetely DEFINETELY strength training to get that metabolism moving again!! After fighting this tendancy (after the age of 40) to gain weight around my MIDDLE despite the fact that I worked daily--- I was just about to throw in the towel and go for the Golden Girls look. My middle section just kept getting pudgier and pudgier. I even told my husband it looked like he was going to have to learn to "embrace" plump! But then I stumbled across MFP. I've been doing the program for 3 weeks and I've lost 9 lbs!!! That is more weight than I've been able to get that scale to budge for 6 years!!! I'm already half way to my goal weight. So keep it your calorie allottment and NO more, do your exercise and it will happen. I am in menopause now and let me tell you, it ain't a picnic. If I can lose weight, so can you. It just might take a little bit longer. But dont' give up!
    Saw a quote the other day and it really stuck with me.

    "No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch!" - Unknown

  • Pamm8577
    Pamm8577 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello everyone I am New Here, I agree as soon as I turned 40 yo weight wouldn't come down... need support on here, love this fitness pal, just started. I want to feel good again and want to be a fabulous 40 :) I have 23 pounds to lose, I have lost 7 pounds already on my own but its been very hard. I changed to whole wheat, and I drink 80 ounces of water daily, I also bought me a pedometer and a polar watch to keep up with my heart rate and exercise time. My problem is I don't eat enough. I will eat a piece of cheese for breakfast and then nothing else till dinner. I just don't get hungry. I also need motivation to do more exercising. Its hard to stay committed when your doing it by yourself. I had a hysterectomy and that is when I noticed the weight gain and it was in my stomach where I never gained weight before. I also started noticing bigger thighs, I can't do this anymore, I want to lose the 23 pounds. But how? hmmmm lets see I have Zumba program I never touch maybe I should start back lol....
  • laurielie
    laurielie Posts: 133 Member
    I myself never had weight problems till I hit my mid-40's.....Now its a never ending battle! But I try my best to watch what I choose
    to eat. The days of baking & eating whateva you want are gone:( I sure miss those days, but I want to be as healthy as I can for
    the rest of my life. I also think having a good support system is the key.....So please feel free to add me to your friend list! I love reading all the positive posts:)) GOOD LUCK TO US ALL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • karenkwalker
    karenkwalker Posts: 155 Member
    I turn 49 Saturday and I feel your pain. I believe I was over feeding myself the last few years. I have been eating fairly healthy for quite sometime - but yo yoing the same two pounds on and off. I got serious here about 70 days ago and have lost 10 true lbs, and dropped from size 12 to 8 (which I attribute to exercise). I am really watching my sodium and sugar intake in addition to my calories - this has made a difference. It is very slow coming from a person who could really drop it in my younger years.

    I've made up my mind to not put a timeframe on my scale/weight loss - I have intentionally decided to change my lifestyle and become healthier and stronger going into my 50's. I know if I am slow and steady with it - the weight will come off eventually - I know that quick fixes usually aren't fixes. Good luck to you!!!
  • xoticlady
    xoticlady Posts: 6 Member
    Holla!! :wink: I'm 44 and it has been a far tougher journey than the prior two decades!!! My boyfriend is a personal trainer so I work out regularly with him. Here are a few tips -
    1) Be sure to combine cardio with weight training OFTEN. 5 minute warm-ups are fine but 20-60 is better.
    2) The cardio will help you drop weight but you absolutely, positively need to combine that with training. (I've seen too many people with bad effects of cardio only routines.)
    3) The training will help tone you - and ensure you don't lose precious things like your buttocks. ;-)
    4) You WILL gain pounds if you weight training regularly. This is not a myth. Hence point #1 is SO important.
    5) If you are combining both cardio and training well, you will start to see yourself slimming and toning even though the scale doesn't say so. (I've plateaued at a certain weight for weeks and weeks and WEEKS, but my clothes fit very different and everyone is saying I'm losing weight - go figure. My trainer/boyfriend says to stick with it and I'll start dropping weight more consistent after my body adjusts - gotta stick with it though!)

    Your trainer - if he/she is good - will not only focus on WEIGHT training but they will care about and offer you advise in all areas -including cardio and nutrition. A word of caution though - there are many certifications a trainer can get (some trainers have NONE!!) so not all trainers are knowledgable in nutrition. Be careful what advise you listen to, ask questions, and confirm what they tell you.
  • momtozmc
    momtozmc Posts: 418 Member
    47 here and in the best shape since my 20's! Pre-kids! I'm down almost 50 lbs from my highest weight and feel great!! run 6 to 7 days a week!!! since March, I've ran over 320 miles!


    And this is a great place for support and friendship!!!!
  • grahamckas88
    grahamckas88 Posts: 129 Member
    I'm right there with everyone! I turned 41 in December. I was just complaining to my daughter today about how much more I'm exercising and eating better and still can't seem to get these 10 pounds off! Very frustrating! It used to be so easy...I never worried about what I ate and exercising wasn't even part of my vocabulary! Feel free to add me for support!
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    I am getting closer to 50 which is scaring the pants off of me. I have friends that tell me you need to lose it before 50 because then it gets really hard. I just keep telling myself I don't want to come to the end of this year and be in the place I was when it began. I certainly don't want to hit 50 in a little over a year and be in the same place. Hang in there, you will get it keep reaching for the goal
  • MlissaB
    MlissaB Posts: 16 Member
    I started with a similar web-site when i was approaching 40 a little over a year ago and the first 15 were easy, but then it just stopped. my biggest challenge is staying away from the foods i love (fried, fried, fried). my husband isn't a real big help either. verbally he's great, but he keeps a lot of junk in the house and will suprise me with treats... it's sweet to find a small bag of hershey's kisses in your car in the morning, but not real helpful with the weight loss!

    Now i'm 41 and trying to get back on track again... a lot of health issues in my family so i'm hoping that if i can develop a healthier life style i can avoid some of the problems or will be able to fight issues as they arise. it really is more about being healthy than skinny for me. i have a fairly large bone structure, so skinny has never been all that realistic, but healthy shouldn't be that difficult!
  • naonah
    naonah Posts: 119 Member
    Hey ladies! I am SO glad to have found this thread!! I thought I was fighting this 40+ battle by myself. Nice to see that I am not going crazy and that what I'm experiencing is "normal". Though, I refuse to let my age (41) get the best of me. I am fitter and making more healthier choices than ever before and yet the scale just teases me. Have been a 'voluptuous' girl for most of my life but reached my ideal weight (through Weight Watchers) in 2006. Unfortunately, some - not all  - has crept back on me. So, doing a combo of WW and counting calories instead of points. This site has helped me see things in a different light...and the people are A W E S O M E !!! Please add me if you want to share your journey with me. Most of the people I've met here are in there's just not the same. Hope to hear from you soon!
  • mgcme
    mgcme Posts: 21
    Hi and welcome! I am a new comer to this site and glad I found this thread. I never had a weight problem until about three years old when I notice I started to gain. I am fighting the 40+ battle also. What brought me to this site was to start tracking my calories and my fitness as 2 years ago I was diagnose for borderline diabetes and then last year RA - double whammy both runs in family history. So my challenge is to lose the extra pounds and slowly get back into the activities that I use to love (i.e. rollerblading, skating, hiking, swimming, etc..). I was amazed on the food tracker on how much carbs are in food that I eat. Please add me as a friend, if you want . My journey is to loss the extra pounds, so that I can kept my sugar level at a normal range and to relief the stress pain on the joints so I can enjoy the activities that I use to do.
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