Overcoming excessive hunger

My biggest problem during any dieting experience is not what I eat but how much and not being full. Even after I eat the sensible meal I continue to be so hungry throughout the entire day that my stomach will growl loud enough for others to hear. I have tried a lot of tricks including drinking water before eating, protein bars, healthy snacks, portion control, rearranging when I eat and multiple other tricks. Does anyone have any advice?


  • natacha305
    natacha305 Posts: 117 Member
    Listen The only thing that helped me with the hunger was when i went low carb. you should look into it. Ive lost a ton of weight and its my way of life now. My husband is also on board. I feel amazing so much energy and I dont starve anymore. Please give it a chance. you can make low carb friends on MFP and see what they eat. LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) you will thank me hun i promise.

    Eating carbs will only make you more hungry. yes even if its whole wheat , dont be afraid to eat natural fats that will fill you up. Good luck hun
  • faithrainbow1
    faithrainbow1 Posts: 54 Member
    Alternatively, try eating lots of fruits and veggies. For my meals I try to have two thirds of my plate filled with veggies, and I really feel full afterward. For snacks, a cup of blueberries hardly has any calories. I eat five meals per day and stay in my calorie goals.
  • gnheller
    gnheller Posts: 12 Member
    edited February 2017
    Don't think of this as a diet, but as a lifestyle change that you can maintain for years to come. If you have been eating foods high in refined sugar and you suddenly cut yourself off you will get hunger pains. These are withdrawal symptoms. The good news is that they go away in about 2 weeks. I've lost 12 pounds this month keeping my daily calories to about 1500. On the weekend I have 1 or 2 beers and maybe a glass or two of wine, but make sure that I exercise to work it off. Cook healthy from scratch and your sugar intake will be next to nothing. Plenty of veggies and salads with lunch and dinner. For snacking I eat a banana and an apple each day, plenty of carrots, celery and red peppers. A handful of almonds and maybe a cookie or a small piece of chocolate to keep my sweet tooth happy at night.
  • sydney_bosque
    sydney_bosque Posts: 42 Member
    I second the low-carb route. Mostly for the refined, simple carbs. Complex carbs can be very filling and very good for you (think sweet potato or wild rice). I had the exact same problem where I felt my body was eating itself. Which... I guess technically it was. I cut sugar and breads, and I lost 20 pounds in a month. I don't even really count calories. It just naturally evens itself out. And I limit my butter intake to a tbs/day. I have comitted to 1/3 veggies, 1/3 fruits & healthy starch, and 1/3 proteins. I almost can't make it to my calorie goal every day. I'm stuffed!
  • subcounter
    subcounter Posts: 2,382 Member
    I guess different things work for people. For me I get hungry the most before lunch time, so I usually eat a strong breakfast full of fiber & oats & protein. This usually keeps me full until I eat again on lunch time. I mean dieting and healthy life style is important but make sure you are not torturing yourself on that path, otherwise the weights you lose will be short-lived. Make sure you pin point when you feel the hungry the most, and try to eat stronger meals before that time, and find foods that work for you best by trial and error.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Maybe your weight loss rate is too steep.
    Maybe you aren't getting in adequate nutrition even at a good calorie intake.
    Maybe your stomach is just noisy and the sensation you are having is quite normal before meals.
    Hard to tell without more information. What's your height, weight and calorie goal?
  • preshalin
    preshalin Posts: 52 Member
    One thing that helped me with hunger was keeping something like nuts to snack on. It didn't completely satisfy me. but it did help
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,074 Member
    Eat more small snacks. I eat tic tacs, chew gum or eat a small mint when I want the chew but i am not necessarily hungry. Or I eat cucumbers. Does the trick