2017 goals?

Hello there! What are your goals for 2017 guys and girls?


  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Lose another 13kg
    Deadlift 200kg
    Squat 160kg
    Bench 120kg
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Currently bulking to 180 (unless I still see abs there, and I'll keep going), then cutting to <12%; rinse repeat until 200+ at ~10%. More of a long term than a 2017.

    By the end of the year:
    Deadlift: 495+
    Bench: 250+
    Squat: 375+

    Other than that, I am just planning on making myself stick with 5/3/1 for a full year at least, which ends on my birthday in December.
  • jessiebethin
    jessiebethin Posts: 30 Member
    My goal is to get down to 115 pounds by the end of the year and log all of my food- every day.
  • gofretrey1
    gofretrey1 Posts: 7 Member
    Im 3 weeks postpartum with my son, and I would like to lost the baby weight. And get down to 110-124. which Is only 46-22 lbs to lose. Im 156. Also I would like to stick with Keto, and find time to workout everyday.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I really want to gain at least 4 more lbs by April/May .. then start recomp (or maybe a really small cut). I have physique goals so hopefully by July/August I get closer to where I want to be.

    I want to increase in all my lifts (I don't care about numbers at this point, as long as they go up over time) and also improve my chin-ups and pull-ups #s.
    What about you OP?
  • liaoverbrook
    liaoverbrook Posts: 108 Member
    not feel guilty eating over my calorie limit and to stop being negative about myself
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    <10% body fat.

    And squat/DL > 300lbs.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    Cut to 160 lbs and then go into a recomp or slow bulk to gain muscle.
    Deadlift 405 lbs
    Bench body weight (could do this easily if I can maintain strength during the cut)
    Squat 2x body weight
    Compete in at least 1 power lifting meet (have one planned for April 1st)
  • Spartan_Gingi
    Spartan_Gingi Posts: 194 Member
    130 Lbs by August. 140 by June (wedding!). I also want to take up running again, and I want to fit into my size 8 jeans that are on my dresser that I've NEVER been able to wear....
  • aahansen1
    aahansen1 Posts: 3 Member
    I want to weigh 125 pounds by March of this year. Spring Break here I come!
  • hamshor
    hamshor Posts: 64 Member
    Thank you all. Very inspiring. Myself, i want to gain as much muscle as possible this year.
  • Gracious_Plum
    Gracious_Plum Posts: 19 Member
    Good luck everyone :-)

    Up my calories and protein intake
    Add a good few lb of lean muscle
    Get body fat down to about 17% (I was 19% before Xmas and I'm now at 26% :# )
    Increase my lifts throughout the year
    Start kickboxing classes
    Complete Tough Mudder
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    Be happy enough with my body to wear a bikini in November
    Stop using the machines as my main sources for lifting
    Get under 30% BF (currently 40%)
    Do at least 1 pull-up...can't even think about it at the moment
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    <10% body fat.

  • hamshor
    hamshor Posts: 64 Member
    Good luck everyone :-)

    Up my calories and protein intake
    Add a good few lb of lean muscle
    Get body fat down to about 17% (I was 19% before Xmas and I'm now at 26% :# )
    Increase my lifts throughout the year
    Start kickboxing classes
    Complete Tough Mudder

    Haha. How much protein? I don't think you need a lot of protein.
  • richardgavel
    richardgavel Posts: 1,001 Member
    12-14% body fat, currently 20
    Continue to increase lifts
    Maintain current maintenance weight of 165
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    psuLemon wrote: »
    <10% body fat.


    Go big or go home.. right?
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    Continue to lose and not get glutenated and be sick for days or weeks
  • Gracious_Plum
    Gracious_Plum Posts: 19 Member
    hamshor wrote: »
    Good luck everyone :-)

    Up my calories and protein intake
    Add a good few lb of lean muscle
    Get body fat down to about 17% (I was 19% before Xmas and I'm now at 26% :# )
    Increase my lifts throughout the year
    Start kickboxing classes
    Complete Tough Mudder

    Haha. How much protein? I don't think you need a lot of protein.

    To be honest, I'm not entirely sure! - there's a lot of conflicting info out there. I've reset my macros to 50 carbs/30 protein/20 fat. Hopefully that'll help. Maybe I'll change that goal to "meet daily protein target" because im always under.
  • Gimsteinn
    Gimsteinn Posts: 7,678 Member
    Do a muscle up
    Drop down to 53 kg and get lean
    Fix my over head squats
    Be able to do the fully extended Iron X or human flag
    Get my split back