Help, I need more motivation to exercise.

vicki915 Posts: 38 Member
edited September 30 in Introduce Yourself
It's only been 2 weeks and I'm already loosing momentum. I started off walking on the treadmill every morning. But now I'm tired. I watch 3 children (2 are boys 3yr and under) plus my own 10yr old, and I'm finding it hard to get up early enough to exersice. I live in an apartment so it's not easy to do later in the day with all the kids here. I thought exersice was suppose to GIVE me energy. Anyway I need a kick-in-the-butt, a reality check, tough love, something to get me going again. Any takers???


  • I'm going through the same thing too. I have a six month old that keeps me pretty busy all the time and when I do have a chance to walk on the treadmill I'm tired and absolutely no motivation!!!!
  • Hi there! I totally know how you feel. I work really long days and find that I am exhausted all the time. I do have my favorite TV shows though and so I have found that doing something anything during the shows helps me at least get a little exercise in. Sometimes I just sit on a mat and stretch or I walk in place etc... I want to progress but I know that I need to start slow BEFORE I totally lose my motivation. Hope this helps.
  • jav424
    jav424 Posts: 7
    heres something that would be fun for all of you.....dancing......gather them up in the living room and just dance for an hour or 45 love to dance and when they see you having fun dancing they want to do it more or thats the way my kids are but its fun and gets your heart rate up and burns calories.
  • dshiemke
    dshiemke Posts: 24 Member
    I hate treadmills. Can you walk outside, early in the morning before it gets hot? Or maybe go for a bike ride early in the morning?
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Part of the problem with treadmills is that they are BORING. What do you do while you walk?

    I have a stationary bike and I've taken to watching my favorite TV shows while I ride. I don't go hard but this exercise is in addition to my interval running, so it's bonus calories I'm burning instead of sitting on my butt. :smile: Anyway, I find that I look forward to my bike time because I want to watch my summer shows.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Suck it up! You can do it! haha

    Getting up early to exercise is tough. I know. But generally once you are up and have done it ya feel good about yourself. What are you eating/drinking in the morning?...Are you getting in a healthy breakfast before or soon after hitting the treadmill? Are you drinking lots of water?

    Try to go to bed a little earlier to compensate for getting up earlier. Now that my alarm goes off at 5am, so that I can work out from 5:15 to 6:00 then get ready for work and eat breakfast till 6:40, then leave to arrive at work at 7am I am having to go to bed earlier and am finding I naturally fall asleep earlier. I am usually out no later than 10pm. A good nights rest is very important.
  • admayen
    admayen Posts: 2
    Reduce the amount of time you walk on the treadmill in the morning. Start with 15 minutes and only waking up 15 minutes earlier then increase it to 20 or 25 whatever you can manage, and don't beat yourself up. While you are watching the kids get them to do some lunges with you or a wall sit, both are very good exercises. Spend less time on each activity just do more of them periodically throughout the day. Like walk up and down the stairs 10 times for 5 minutes and then do it again on another commercial or while the kids first sit down to eat lunch. Just remember exercise does not need to be done all at can collect all the exercise you have done throughout the day and you will do more with less effort. :) Cheers!
  • admayen
    admayen Posts: 2
    Wear your baby on your back and do all your regular chores and work around the will like being close to you and you will work hard because of the extra weight. Also, do things a few more times than you need walk up and down the stairs 7 times and do squats for 1 minutes and then lunge down the hallway to get to the next room in the house. Quick easy things you don't have to change your day to incorporate. :)
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    just do it!! How long did it take you to log on here and leave a post? it will give you more energy, assuming everything else is in check, eating habits, sleep, etc.....pick a picture of yourself that you hate and put it up, make it the wallpaper on the computer, something, then look at it and remind yourself what you are trying to change......but most of all, don't let yourself fall into the cycle of excuses, that's a hard place to get out of!!!
  • Calenth
    Calenth Posts: 7
    Oh boy do I understand the lack of motivation to exercise. I've also noticed that in the first month or so with the new eating and the exercise I'm a lot more tired, I put this down to my body getting rid of the toxins etc in the system and getting used to the new schedule.

    I second the idea mentioned above about getting the kids up and dancing with you...its so much fun, or here's another idea - hooping, its great exercise, the kids can join in, the only thing is as an adult you need a larger than kids sized hoop, but you can get the supplies and make one pretty cheap from Home depot or Lowes.

    Otherwise, make sure you're doing something while you're on the treadmill, reading, watching your fav show etc...I hate indoor activity so when winter kicks in and I have to do it I put on an episode of a show I like and work out with that.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Find a TV show, or rent a movie and make it so you are only allowed to watch it while on the treadmill.
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    Go to the thrift store and buy a pair of pants one size smaller than the size you wear now. Try them on at least once a week, more if you need to. Make sure you look at yourself naked in the mirror every day. Put a picture of your ideal body up as your screen saver. Do whatever it takes to motivate yourself, and when you start seeing results that will be motivation in itself!
    Miss Vicki, you quit smoking after 25 years!!! You can do ANYTHING you put your mind too! Congrats on that!
  • Kras0711
    Kras0711 Posts: 2
    Hi There, I just started working out about 6 months ago. and I get up at 4:30 every morning to get my workout in. I have lost 35 lbs. so I know if you keep going you will feel so much better. You need to find something that you enjoy doing. I started doing the Beachbody workouts, Chalean extreme, its not that difficult and the longest workout is 45 mins. if you need any help finding the right workout for you just let me know. Good Luck!!!!
  • mrdavidjk
    mrdavidjk Posts: 105
    something i found that helped was to have a snack (around 100 calories) 45 minutes before i work out.
    without a snack i get to about 150 calories burnt and feel tired quickly and wiped out
    with a snack i can burn 400+ and enjoy it
    if your body is low on energy and you push it it will complain.
    if you give it some starting energy i find it helps
  • Vilmarie76
    Vilmarie76 Posts: 5 Member
    I have 4 kids myself and finding the time to workout was hard. So now I get up before them and workout,if they are still asleep when I finish I lay back down for awhille.I will tell you I know it is hard,but you can do it you are stronger than what you think.I use to hate exercise and thought it was boring. I still have days where I do not want to get up and do it but once I do I am glad I did. I would also say that if you can afford to get the Wii I would say invest in it you can play games with your kids on it and at the same time get a work out in. Stay in if for the outcome is so worth it!!!

  • vicki915
    vicki915 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks Guys, you have given me some good ideas, and some motivation!!!!! :happy:
    I'll keep you updated ;)
  • migieheard
    migieheard Posts: 10
    I know how you feel! I'm not a morning person at all!! I work 10 hour days and by the time I get home in the evenings, I'm tired, there's so much to always do at home and before you know it, the evening is gone. I realize that the best time to get my exercise in is in the morning but getting up earlier than I do now is a problem for me because I'm a sleepy head.For me, the reason I feel more tired when I try to exercise in the morning is because I'm not getting enough sleep at night. Since I'm acruing sleep debt, I never catch up and I give up getting up earlier to get my exercise in so I can sleep. Just as I have to force myself to get up early, I also have to force myself to go to bed earlier. You may have a leg up on getting to bed early because you're already exhausted from running around kids all day. Why not use that to your advantage? The kids could use a little exercise too. Make a game of having to run around a table or a room, do jumping jacks or lunges across the room. Weather permitting, kicking a soccer ball around outside. Play tag with them, it will get your heart going! Have them take turns sitting on your feet while doing sit ups or do a kids exercise video with them & then treat them to some innovative snacks like ants on a log or a banana dipped in cereal. Use a reward system like stickers to get them used to doing PE. If you have a pool in the apartment complex, do water aerobics with them, you may even get other Moms to want to join in. Take the kiddies for a short nature walk & do a little scavenger hunt. You would be doing them & yourself a great deal of good. Kids watch way too much of the boob tube and don't get enough exercise because we're all so busy all the time & then we're all too tired! Many many moons ago when I ran a small daycare at home, I did this kind of stuff when I was on a major weight loss plan of my own & it help me, so I hope it might give you a few ideas & a little motivation! Just don't give up!
  • Are you taking a supplement? Your body may be lacking the nutrition it needs, leaving you tied and without energy to get through your day. Maybe try Shakeology. It's so worth it! you can contact me and I'll send you a sample.
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