Having trouble getting started and getting very frustrated



  • catzpyjamaz
    catzpyjamaz Posts: 47 Member
    I was really successful at giving up a 20 year smoking habit by just changing my habits. I used to smoke in the car and outside. So I stopped going outside and read or watched tv inside, and I drove round with my window up instead of down. Those two things I believe
    made the world of difference. However, giving up smoking was a breeze compared to losing weight as we still need to eat and I gave up smoking cold turkey. A previous poster said change habits. I definitely agree. I am having some success by logging my whole day at breakfast and preparing my snacks and lunch in advance. It stops me going out and buying unhealthy food. But work shouts are still a battle!
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    I know what I have to do, and I start each day with a fruit and protein, and with good intentions. Then I get to work and go to the cafe for lunch. From that point, my day is horrible!

    Since you know what your breaking point in the day is, why don't you start with changing your lunch habits?

    Bring lunch in from home. Get a nice lunchbox that's not jumbo sized. Make a lunch that is within your calories that you want to eat. Something that looks good, smells good, tastes good. Something that when you go to the cafeteria you think "pfff, my lunch is so much better. Why would I want that shyte?"

    Whether that lunch is a mason jar salad, a bento box, your favourite sandwich or last nights curry, do some meal prep to plan for it. Instead of repeating the process that you know sends you downhill, set yourself up for the day. Bring your snacks, your XL bottle of water and anything else you want to eat. Good habits don't happen without planning.

  • kirstymh1977
    kirstymh1977 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you everyone! Sometimes, like today, I do take my lunch. But then I use stress as an excuse to go get a burger and fries. Then I feel guilty. Stress isn't an excuse to eat crap, I have to get that through my thick skull :smile:

    I have stopped bringing cash to work - if I don't have cash I can't buy anything so I can only eat what I pre-packed. It removes temptation.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    edited February 2017
    on the changing lunch habits note, I find prepping my lunches for the work week on a Sunday has been a big help. Normally 2 mason jar salads, 2 protein pastas and something slightly tastier on a Friday like a pitta with cheesy beans or some leftovers from a meal - today I have a lower calorie version of Beef Strogonoff with microwave (single portion) bag of wholegrain rice. I also pack a couple of snacks like a mini cheese (babybel lights at the mo) and nakd bar/protein ball. Keeps me on the relative straight and narrow. If I do get a temptation for something else I factor it in and eat less in the evening or go for an extra walk.