Ladies group ages: 25-35



  • perryvashti
    perryvashti Posts: 8 Member
    poborox wrote: »
    Hi girls!
    I'd really like create a group going for ladies in the above age bracket to support, motivation, listen and lift each other up in our quest for a healthy balanced life!

    I'm 27, 5'5 and weighing close to 230 (my all time high). I'm looking to lose 30-35lbs in the next 3-4 months. Anyone with similar situations or goals please let me know your interest and we can MAKE THIS HAPPEN.

    My ideas would be a group that fits this post and making several discussions that would work for most and also being able to really get involved and detailed for each individual through conversations and sharing ideas or tips on food, exercise, mood and whatever else we need. God bless. :blush:

    Please let me know if anyone is interested!

    I'm in! My goal is to lose 108 pounds by January 2018. I weigh 242.8 right now.
  • MsHulkMN
    MsHulkMN Posts: 81 Member
    I'm in!!!
  • EricaCraigie
    EricaCraigie Posts: 1,396 Member
    I'm not looking to lose weight but I'm in that category of age and would like to join :)
  • poborox
    poborox Posts: 595 Member
    Here's the link

    We have exercise, diet, fit bit challenges as well as check and goal boards!
  • MrsCrawford29
    MrsCrawford29 Posts: 5 Member
    Please add me. I am 31 and trying to lose about 40 to get to a goal around 120. Need all the help I can get. I am also on Fitbit if someone wants to add me there just let me know!
  • poborox
    poborox Posts: 595 Member
    Please add me. I am 31 and trying to lose about 40 to get to a goal around 120. Need all the help I can get. I am also on Fitbit if someone wants to add me there just let me know!

    Here's the link
  • hanssecm
    hanssecm Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I am interested.. I am 27 and need to lose more weight than most of you, but gotta start somewhere! How do I join the group?
  • mduttlinger
    mduttlinger Posts: 7 Member
    Hey ladies! I'm turning 31 this year and have about 70-80 lbs to lose. I have an amazing ability to lose 60lbs in 9 months and then gain it back in a month... so annoying. I'd love the support and accountability to help me not repeat that again this year.
  • Krista_Knits52
    Krista_Knits52 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi ladies, I would love to join the group! I'm 32, and a stay at home mom to a 2 year old and a 4 year old. Hoping to lose about 50 lbs. I'm a serial starter at losing weight but this time I'm committed as my husband and I would like to start trying for baby #3!

    Anyone who would like to add me, also feel free!
  • Dsnelz
    Dsnelz Posts: 27 Member
    Hey there! Turning 27 tomorrow. 5ft 9" weighed 230 back in December, made a goal to lose 80lbs and I'm down 20lbs so far! Woohoo! I'm so in for joining the group I just don't know how!
  • kekmfp
    kekmfp Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I am 30 and have 40-50 pounds to lose. Looking for accountability and support. My diary is open. :)
  • shanae727
    shanae727 Posts: 546 Member
    31 here..would love to be a part of the group for support and motivation. :wink:
  • jenniencole
    jenniencole Posts: 4 Member
    I'm so in I'm getting to the point in my weight loss where I always slip up. I'm so excited I'm only 3lbs till I will finally be under 200lbs and I have been trying on and off for 6 yrs so let's support each other ladies. I will b 32 in 10 days I'm 5'1.5 and I have 70lbs to loose ;)
  • MindyAmy
    MindyAmy Posts: 26 Member
    edited February 2017
    This is a group I'm really interested in joining! Just turned 33 and I have about 60lbs to loose. Looking for fun ladies to chat with who have a similar goal. (how do I join a group? I"m new at this. Thanks!)

    I found the link!!!!
  • poborox
    poborox Posts: 595 Member
    MindyAmy wrote: »
    This is a group I'm really interested in joining! Just turned 33 and I have about 60lbs to loose. Looking for fun ladies to chat with who have a similar goal. (how do I join a group? I"m new at this. Thanks!)

    I found the link!!!!

    Great! Welcome! :smiley:
  • karobines
    karobines Posts: 13 Member
    Yes, please I'd like to join! 28, trying to lose 25ish pounds.
  • LBgetsfit
    LBgetsfit Posts: 769 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm 33 and about 6 mos into my journey to health. I've lost 29 lbs and so I have only about 8 more to go to reach my goal. I'm on every day and post progress pics regularly. Add me if you are looking for support!
  • poborox
    poborox Posts: 595 Member
    We've reached 200 members!!! :smiley: Click below link to join!
  • mawoodman85
    mawoodman85 Posts: 1 Member
    I am very interested. Would be amazing. And great. I am looking to loose BF% not so much weight ... but hey both would be amazing
  • voldemortisreal
    voldemortisreal Posts: 101 Member
    Is there room for one more?

    I'm 33 (34 next month), 5'5.5", and I'm looking to lose about another 50-60ish pounds. Heaviest was 216.7 and currently hovering around 179ish.

    Hoping to drop...even 4 pounds before the end of my grad program (that would be amazing) at the beginning of March.

    Another hope is to start a part-time, paying-non-internship, job that would allow me a gym membership (#lift).

    Either way, I could really use some help moving in the right direction again.