I am new to this program...

Hello everyone. I am new to the program/app and so far like it. :) I find it easy to use and track my intake. I hope to lose some of my weight slowly so I do not regain it in the future. I would also like to decrease my weight so I may discontinue a few medications I am currently taking. Also, I need to change my thinking from rewarding myself with food to rewarding myself by other means. Thank you for listening.


  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    I hope you reach your goal. Being consistent is the hardest part. Never give up ☺
  • ravjit2
    ravjit2 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Millie ! I am new too, well actually returning back to MFP after about 4 years ! My name is Ravi. Nice to meet you :)
  • Brewtuz
    Brewtuz Posts: 49 Member
    You have the right mindset I wish you the best on your journey I requested you as a friend and my diary is open as well maybe you can steal some recipes for yourself. Again good luck and stay focused :)