Need motivation

I'm rana , 18 years old ,recently started college . I 've tried thousands of diets to lose weight ,yet nothing helped,however i recently started on a 10 day plan before starting college which i believe will help me gain some confidence .unfortunately none of my family members understand how much is it important to me to lose weight. i really want to be confident with my body again !! i hope i can find some motivation here .


  • Psyduckfan1
    Psyduckfan1 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Rana,

    It feels like thousands, doesn't it?

    There's a right way and a wrong way to lose weight. Lots of people here who can help you with that. I'm not in that weight loss camp admittedly, but I can definitely give you ears if that will help you. I'll add you.
  • ranahazem63
    ranahazem63 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks alot !
  • Argemone83
    Argemone83 Posts: 17 Member
    I sing the praises of ketogenics for changing my life, but there are numerous ways to succeede. This is a great place to find help.
  • ranahazem63
    ranahazem63 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank u
  • 1Ramsay
    1Ramsay Posts: 3 Member
    You have a great incentive to achieve your goal and you are young so the weight will be easy to lose. Keep positive and you will achieve.
  • Andrewklemens
    Andrewklemens Posts: 1 Member
    how to lose belly fat in 2 week ? anyone can help me ?
  • ranahazem63
    ranahazem63 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks 1Ramsay
  • cllslcl
    cllslcl Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Rama! Congrats on college!
    Measure and log everything! Read the blogs for tips. Aim to fill your nutrition requirements.
    You'll get plenty of steps on campus.
    As for confidence, join several activities groups in addition to your study groups. You'll make lots of friends that way! Have fun and study really hard as the brain uses 25-39% of calories every day.
    My youngest joined a sheep club and interned in Iceland last summer birthing sheep. No kidding. So many diverse club activities in college.
  • cllslcl
    cllslcl Posts: 5 Member
    25-30% not 39% typo
  • ranahazem63
    ranahazem63 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks alot cllslcl