Getting back on track!

I have only been on here about a month. I live in northeast Indiana and I am changing my life back to the better again. I am an openly gay male. Officially in my 40s. Turning 41 this year. I don't feel it or look it according to compliments I get all the time. After racing in short distance triathlons for 7 years I got burned out 4 years ago. Picked up my old bad habit from my teens to my mid 20's of smoking again. Ballooned up to 203lbs. put the pack down again 2 months ago and feel great again. Even back up to swimming 3500 yards plus every morning before work. For the past 3 months I have checked into my local Y over 25 times a month. It has become my routine. Love it! I really like this app. I have used it to track all of my nutrition needs. Even try to change things up to make my nutrition better. I have been watching my nutrition for over a year though. I am down to 160lbs and according to my scale 16% body fat. I was at 21-23%. Hit me up. Follow me I follow you. Let's build a great support network among friend's!


  • Jamiewhite1118
    Jamiewhite1118 Posts: 8 Member
    I am also fron Northern Indiana. I have been on here for about 7 years now. I am always up and down with my weight. Aftery third kid i went from 195 to 147. I have never been that small, I usually stick around 185 but was up to 245 when I was married to my ex husband 15 years ago. I got married for the second time 4 years ago and since then I went from 147 to 196.6. I have been watching food somewhat for the past 3 months, hitting the gym most days, & doing p90x a few days a week. I am down to 182.6 as of today. I really need motivation and encouragement to get back down to where I used to be. My total goal is to be 135 so I have a waus to go. I am trying to get to 145 by july 1st. I know I can do it! I don't want to waste anymore of my life holding back because I feel fat and unnattractive. I am 35 and not getting any younger. I can use all thefriends I can get! Im also good at motivating others.
  • andersent01
    andersent01 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. It has been about 18months since I last put in an entry. I have noticed the old eating habits creaping back in. I am in training for Base camp Everest October this year, so I have a fitness goal to get motivated with. Hang in there guys.
  • Leiarie12
    Leiarie12 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm from Rochester ny. I was using MyFitnessPal non stop a few years back. Took a break and now I'm back!! So glad I am hoping to loose a few pounds the right way.