Debbie Downer RANT!!!

mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
edited September 30 in Motivation and Support
*Disclaimer: This is a negative post expressing my EXTREME FRUSTRATION!!!!

I have been doing mfp for almost 4 months. I have had some success, yes, but for the past month NOTHING!!!!! I stay within my calories, I eat some if not all exercise calories back, I drink tons of water. I up my cals, I lower my cals, I eat healthy 90% of the time, I watch my sodium, AND NOW I'M GAINING WEIGHT!!!! I work out 5 days a week at least. Not only that but there are other things in my life, namely my career - I spent $50,000 getting an Education degree and have not been able to find a job and I'm in debt up to my eyeballs and the market is awful and I can't even find something not in my field. I keep throwing away money on school to try to make myself more employable and still just keep running up against the same walls. I feel like I've made every wrong decision over the past 10 years and there's no hope of things turning around. Well there's hope but it doesn't feel like it today.

Sorry for the rant.


  • sarahbeth17
    sarahbeth17 Posts: 100 Member
    Sometimes it's good to just get it all out..... I will pray for you, and I hope that you do find a good job soon!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I completely understand. I've been job hunting for nearly a are not alone. I had a day like this only a week ago...thank goodness my friends on here kept me sane. My own family doesn't understand what I'm going through (not that I chat with them about it).
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Sorry!! Maybe all the stress you are under is causing you to gain weight. Stress is know to do that. I know it is easier said than done but try to relax. Take a bubble bath, listen to some music or watch a funny or silly movie. Give yourself a break from all that stress!
  • VegGrrl
    VegGrrl Posts: 336 Member
    Have you tracked your bodyfat%? Might be you're losing fat but building muscle. Just trying to put a positive spin on it! :wink:

    Hang in and don't give up. We all plateau. You'll have a breakthrough at some point. Best of luck to you!
  • stephilderton
    stephilderton Posts: 25 Member
    Ugh! Days like these SUCK!

    Stress impacts our bodies in crazy ways, though. If I had to guess, I'd say that your weight gain is probably related to your stress about looking for a job.

    With education cuts everywhere, it's tough. I'll also be praying for you to find a job.

    In the meantime, lean on us.
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    I gained a whole 5 lbs this month, and finally 2 days ago it all dropped. I dont know how or why but it is exciting when it does, just keep on it and it will go on its own, but check your mesurments I bet you fat is shrinking and being replaced by muscle. I know my body sure did change this month. Best of luck and HUGS. and I am here for you for support.
  • gpacheco0768
    gpacheco0768 Posts: 47 Member
    "This too shall pass..." Try to stay positive, don't let stress take you off course of your weight loss goals, feeling better about yourself and improving your self confidence will help you in the job market, too... And, we all hit "plateaus" or have our up times, you have to push through them, stay the straight and narrow course, and you will come out at the end a better, healthier, thinner person. I got fired from a job about a year and a half ago, and it has ended up being a blessing... I love my new job, but the time in between was definitely scary. Stress adds pounds, so exercise/read/etc. to reduce your stress, and plan out your job hunting like you would a "job"... I was out of work for about a month, so I setup a routine of looking at "search" engines ( is a good one), I forced myself to call three recruiters/day, and I made sure my resume was perfect and I had all my references lined out. is also big right now, and if nothing else, volunteer a day or two a week! Keep your skills active, get yourself out of the house, and try to volunteer with something that is in your career field; you never know, it might turn into a job! And, what worked for me to get the great job I have now was I got some advice from a recruiter to call companies (especially smaller ones) directly instead of only responding online to an HR queue, and ask for the hiring manager. I'm an accountant and in this case I left a voicemail for the CEO... it worked, he was impressed with my proactive behavior and I got the job!
  • PamalaJoy
    PamalaJoy Posts: 8
    I have an acquaintance that went through this same thing a couple of years ago. You said you exercise 5 days a week. It's entirely possible that you're gaining muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, so while it looks like you are "gaining" - it's a good gain! Muscle also burns fat and calories better, so in the long run this is awesome! As far as the job market goes - it's just a crap shoot for everyone right now. You haven't done a damned thing wrong - the ECONOMY is the bad word! LOL I'm glad you ranted here! I'll send some prayer your way. Keep the faith and keep up the good work! :smile:
  • Don't give up honey. Sometimes it feels like whatever you do and however hard you try, nothing seems to count. Feel proud that you have had all that negativity in your life and you are still plugging away trying to make a difference. Venting helps so rant away!
  • dance_jen
    dance_jen Posts: 10
    I went through something mid-way to my goal where I plateaued and just got stuck at a certain weight. I lost some motivation and wanted to go back to bad habits but stuck it through and reached my goal (and beyond). It sounds like you’ve been doing great for 4 months. Your body may be adjusting. I also hit a phase where I actually needed to increase proteins due to all the working out my body had started to go into “starvation” mode - this helped loose those last few pounds.
    I am from the mind frame that whatever energy and thoughts you put out to the universe will be returned. While things seem glum, set the goal you want for health and career and stick to them. The universe will respond to your positive thoughts/energies.
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    I know how much it sucks to be in a plateau... just keep working and chugging away and eventually you'll break though. Prayers to you as you try to find a job - I have been in the same boat for a year myself... it is a rough job market everywhere, especially education (which is where my last job was as well).
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