Needing motivation

It's friday & im feeling a cheat day coming on & im not allowed onen☹️ need to stay positive


  • Ljtlafrenaye
    Ljtlafrenaye Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Jill...stay strong. Drink lots of water and remember your "why". Why you started this journey and Dig Deep!!! If you can't stop thinking of a treat...honestly give yourself a treat. Maybe a square of dark chocolate or some berries and greek yogurt blended and frozen slightly. I keep protein balls in my freezer and when i feel like cheating and can't get past that feeling I grab one and it usually does the trick. Good luck!!!!
  • ZephieC
    ZephieC Posts: 162 Member
    edited February 2017
    I hop over to the success stories and look at the amazing before and after pics. It reminds me that I can be strong and do it like they did. I make a chocolate peanut butter smoothie that is awesome. It is just a frozen banana, 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder, 1-2 Tbsp. natural peanut butter (or other nut butter) and enough almond milk to get the consistency you want. You can also throw in a couple dates if you want a little sweetness. It is like ice cream....cheating without cheating :wink:
  • Sedu1906
    Sedu1906 Posts: 145 Member
    Just take the day hour by hour. If u can go one hour without cheating, you can go two and....
  • tj015
    tj015 Posts: 72 Member
    Think of all the hard work you have done