New here

A little about me im 32 years old recovering alcoholic (by myself no meetings) year and a half sober single dad. When i started out a year and a half ago i was in the 280 range weight wise im down to 205 now and still working on myself. Aiming for 180 by summer. Been using this app for awhile just never realized there was a community of people on it


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    Hi and welcome! It's a great community. Congrats on the sobriety! And weight loss!
  • Reaverie
    Reaverie Posts: 405 Member
    Welcome and awesome job dad! Combatting weight and alcohol alone? You are amazing! Keep up the good work!
  • rabbidchicken
    rabbidchicken Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks its definitely been rough at times but my little girls support me. They deserve the best i can give them and cant do that if im drunk or dead lol. Struggling with the last bit of weight though workout five days a week right now but cant seem to break this plateau started doing hiit in the morning before work and lifting weights like normal in the evening. And running when i can but i only get to do that on Wednesday's cause of childcare issues. Week ago came in mile and a half short of running a half marathon for the first time.
  • rabbidchicken
    rabbidchicken Posts: 32 Member
    Well i guess i cant really call it a plateau i always bounce 5 pounds either way. Averaging between. 1500-1800 range for calories every week do five day split with my lifting routine 15-30 fasted cardio in the am and 45-60 minutes of lifting in the pm. Get plenty of protein and keep my fats and sugars low.
  • rabbidchicken
    rabbidchicken Posts: 32 Member
    No mfp gave me a goal of 2300 a day but thats what i was eating for maintenance using a different app to track macros and calories. Unless i messed something up lol. I would like to lose 2 pounds a week is my goal. Everything i eat is weighed and pre portioned out so i know im not mesing up there. Only thing is i know i need more sleep but there isnt the time. I get between 4-6 hours on workdays and seven on my weekends off